

Met One 的 PARTAC Tactical Particulate Profiler (P/N 102686) 是一款强大的尺寸选择性颗粒采样器,用作 NBC 代理警报触发器、公共和工作场所的环境监测器,以及作为验证防区外颗粒检测器的真实参考。

货 号:HY422

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称: 战术颗粒分析仪





PARTAC 战术颗粒分析仪

Met One 的 PARTAC Tactical Particulate Profiler (P/N 102686) 是一款强大的尺寸选择性颗粒采样器,用作 NBC 代理警报触发器、公共和工作场所的环境监测器,以及作为验证防区外颗粒检测器的真实参考. PARTAC 在多达 8 个用户可选通道中同时监测空气中的颗粒物计数。

可以对 PARTAC 进行编程,以检测被证明被深深吸入肺部的有毒 NBC 试剂的颗粒大小。PARTAC 实时测量颗粒计数,可用于触发警报和激活额外的采样器和仪器。其紧凑的尺寸、低功耗和连续工作能力使其能够在所有环境中连续执行此任务。

作为环境监测器,它为用户提供公共或工作场所中颗粒物的实时计数。其低噪音运行使其可以放置在工作环境中,而不会干扰被监控区域内的人员。PARTAC 也可以放置在正在考虑工作的区域,以在工作开始前测量背景水平。

PARTAC 传感器使用激光二极管照亮由集成泵和质量流量控制系统通过采样入口吸入 PARTAC 的单个颗粒。与入射光束成直角散射的激光被收集并使用高级椭圆反射器聚焦到光电探测器上。信号强度由**的电子设备检测并转换为每个检测到的粒子的一组尺寸值。这些计数被分类到客户在安装之前设置的尺寸范围内,速度高达每秒一次。

PARTAC 战术颗粒分析仪应用:



PARTAC Tactical Particulate Profiler

Met One’s PARTAC Tactical Particulate Profiler (P/N 102686) is a robust size-selective particulate sampler used as an NBC agent alarm trigger, an ambient monitor for public and workplaces, and as a ground-truth reference for the verification of standoff particulate detectors. The PARTAC simultaneously monitors airborne particle counts in up to 8 user-selectable channels.

The PARTAC can be programmed to detect the particulate sizes of toxic NBC agents proven to be aspirated deeply into the lungs. Measuring the particulate counts in real-time, the PARTAC can be used to trigger alarms and activate additional samplers and instrumentation. Its compact size, low power consumption, and continuous duty capability allow it to perform this duty continuously in all environments.

As an ambient monitor, it provides the user with a real-time count of particulates in public or workplaces. Its low noise operation allows it to be placed in work environments without disturbing the personnel in the area being monitored. The PARTAC can also be placed in areas where work is being contemplated to measure the background levels before work begins.

The PARTAC sensor uses a laser diode to illuminate the individual particles drawn into the PARTAC through the sampling inlet by the integral pump and mass flow control system. The laser light scattered at right-angles to the incident light beam is collected and focused onto a photodetector using a high-grade elliptical reflector. The signal strength is detected by state-of-the-art electronics and converted to a set of size values for each detected particle. These counts are classified into the size ranges set by the customer prior to installation, at a rate of up to once per second.


Ambient Monitoring
Military & Homeland Security
Emergency Response

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