产品名称: 便携式碳监测仪 型号系列:C12 品牌:metone 产地:美国 价格:**终成交价格需联系客服 C-12 便携式碳监测仪细粒度的碳监测从未像现在这样负担得起,这为许多应用开辟了一系列以前在经济上遥不可及的机会。介绍 GROUNDBREAKING Met One Instruments, Inc. C-12 便携式碳监测仪。这种革命性的设备以 1 分钟的时间分辨率连续测量和报告黑碳“BC”的浓度。 利用 880 nm 近红外光通过过滤介质的光学衰减原理,含有 BC 的颗粒物质实时沉积在过滤介质上,C-12 具有使过滤器前进 1,000 多个的能力,这意味着该传感器可以在无人值守的情况下运行两个多月。 C-12 是一款工业级设备,可为用户提供一系列实时诊断信息,使他们能够持续监控其性能。虽然与其他市售碳监测仪相比价格便宜,但可以预期其使用寿命超过十年。 C-12 便携式碳监测仪是独立的,无需昂贵、占用空间和电力的环境庇护所。相反,该设备几乎可以在任何地方在几分钟内完成设置。由于其适中的采样率 (1 LPM),C-12 在大多数地区可以很容易地通过适中的太阳能电池板进行操作。它标配交流电源适配器。 C-12 的标准配置使用户能够以 1 分钟的时间间隔以优于 70 ng/m 3的灵敏度测量和报告 BC(880 nm 照明)浓度。 配备集成的 CCS+ COMET Cloud 调制解调器,可在定制的网页仪表板上实时获取数据。C-12 便携式碳监测仪对总悬浮颗粒物“TSP”进行采样,如果需要,用户可以选择将 C-12 安装在可选的三脚架上,以实现快速、灵活的部署。杆式安装是可选的。 开创性的新型 C-12 具有较低的初始购置成本和较低的持续运营成本。使用 1 LPM 的标准采样率,可以使用大多数市售流量校准器(例如用于支持政府空气质量监测系统的流量校准器)对该装置进行流量检查和流量校准。也可以购买可选的流量校准系统来支持操作。C-12 采用与 Met One Instruments, Inc. 型号 BC-1054、型号 BC-1060 和其他市售的基于胶带的碳测量设备(Aethalometer)相同的跨度校准值 (MACS)。 C-12 便携式碳监测仪特征• 颗粒数据无与伦比的价值• 实时云通信 • 兼容数据记录器 • 可访问的价格点 • 经过时间考验、经久耐用、可靠的技术 • 精确测量 C-12 便携式碳监测仪应用:环境监测围栏监控 智慧城市 气候研究 中文内容来自机器翻译,内容仅供参考,实际内容可参考原厂介绍或以合同为准。 英文原文: C-12 Portable Carbon MonitorCARBON MONITORING ON A GRANULAR SCALE HAS NEVER BEEN MORE AFFORDABLE, OPENING UP AN ARRAY OF OPPORTUNITIES THAT WERE PREVIOUSLY ECONOMICALLY OUT OF REACH FOR MANY APPLICATIONS. Introducing the GROUNDBREAKING Met One Instruments, Inc. C-12 Portable Carbon Monitor. This revolutionary device measures and reports the concentration of black carbon “BC” continuously with a 1-minute time resolution. Using the principle of optical attenuation of 880 nm near-infrared light through filter media upon which particulate matter containing BC deposits in real-time, the C-12 has the capability of making more than 1,000 filter advances, meaning that this sensor can operate unattended for more than two months. The C-12 is an industrial-grade device, providing the user with an array of diagnostic information in real-time that will allow them to monitor its performance continuously. Although it is inexpensive compared to other commercially available carbon monitors, one can expect its operating life to be more than ten years. The C-12 Portable Carbon Monitor is self-contained, eliminating the need for an expensive, space- and power-consuming environmental shelter. Instead, the device sets up in a matter of minutes virtually anywhere. Because of its modest sampling rate (1 LPM), the C-12 can easily be operated off modestly-sized solar panels in most regions. It comes standard with an AC power adapter. The standard configuration of the C-12 enables the user to measure and report the BC (880 nm illumination) concentration with sensitivity better than 70 ng/m3 at 1-minute time intervals. Equipped with an integrated CCS+ COMET Cloud modem, the data is available in real-time on a customized webpage dashboard. The C-12 Portable Carbon Monitor samples total suspended particulate matter “TSP” and, if desired, the user may opt to mount the C-12 onto an optional tripod for rapid, flexible deployment. Pole-mount is optional. The groundbreaking new C-12 has a low initial acquisition cost and low ongoing operational costs. With a standard sampling rate of 1 LPM, the unit may be flow-checked and flow-calibrated using most commercially available flow calibrators such as those used to support governmental air quality surveillance systems. An optional flow calibration system may also be purchased to support operation. The C-12 employs the same span calibration value (MACS) used by the Met One Instruments, Inc. Model BC-1054, Model BC-1060, and other commercially available tape-based carbon measurement devices (Aethalometer). FEATURES• Unmatched Value for Granular Data• Real-Time Cloud Communications • Data Logger Compatible • Accessible Price Point • Time Tested, Long-Lasting, Reliable Technology • Precision Measurements APPLICATIONS:Ambient MonitoringFenceline Monitoring Smart Cities Climate Research |