加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 LevelVent 5(3250)

加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 LevelVent 5(3250)

LevelVent 5 无需气压补偿即可提供即时准确的水位数据,使数据比 Levelogger 水位记录仪准确 2 倍。

货 号:HY646

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 LevelVent 5(3250)

型号: LevelVent 5 3250

LevelVent 5 无需气压补偿即可提供即时准确的水位数据,使数据比 Levelogger 水位记录仪准确 2 倍。

  • Solinst LevelVent 5是我们流行的Levelogger的通风版本。高精度数据记录器旨在记录浅层地下水和地表水部署期间的水位和温度测量值。
  • LevelVent 5 记录器包含压力和温度传感器、电池、可存储多达 150,000 条数据记录的存储器,以及位于 22 mm x 173 mm (7/8" x 6.8") 不锈钢外壳内的疏水过滤器,外壳带有耐腐蚀涂层。
  • LevelVent 使用测量压力传感器;它通过通往井口的通风电缆向大气开放。紧凑的 LevelVent 井口设计用于安装在 Solinst 2" 井盖组件中,并为通信附件提供了方便的连接。
  • 通风电缆和 Solinst LevelVent 5 记录仪通过记录仪和井口中的永久性内置干燥剂和疏水过滤器防止受潮。
  • 排气压力传感器由 Hastelloy 制成,使其在各种温度和监测条件下都非常耐用和准确。该传感器提供 0.05% FS 的精度,并且可以承受 2 倍的过压而不会造成永久性损坏。


加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 LevelVent 5(3250)LevelVent 5 应用:

  • 浅层部署的理想选择:**深 65 ft (20 m) 淹没
  • 含水层表征:抽水试验、段塞试验等。
  • 流量测量、湖泊、水库和大坝管理
  • 流域、流域和补给监测
  • 雨水和径流监测
  • 供水和水箱液位测量
  • 井和地表水的长期水位监测


LevelVent 5 编程与交流:
使用 Solinst Levelogger 软件和 PC 接口电缆对 LevelVent 5 进行编程和下载数据。它也可以与Solinst Levelogger 5 App Interface和DataGrabber 5一起使用。附件和 PC 接口电缆都可以方便地直接连接到 LevelVent 5 井口。
将 LevelVent 5 与使用**新无线技术的 Solinst 遥测系统集成。对于更深、难以进入的应用或容易发生洪水的区域,Levelogger 5 系列绝对压力水位数据记录仪也是可选的。



  • 使用聚合技术烘烤的耐腐蚀和耐磨涂层
  • 用于高精度水位测量的压力传感器:0.05% FS
  • 紧凑型井口使用 Solinst 2" 井盖组件使部署变得简单
  • 通信电缆和附件直接连接到井口
  • 记录仪中包含长效电池
  • 内置疏水过滤器和干燥剂——无需更换,减少维护

加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 LevelVent 5(3250) 记录仪参数:
液位传感器:    带有哈氏合金传感器的压阻硅
准确性:    ± 0.05% FS 典型值
读数的稳定性:    优越,低噪音
解决:    0.001% FS 至 0.0006% FS
计量单位:    m, cm, ft., psi, kPa, bar, ºC, ºF
正常化:    自动温度补偿
温度。比较。范围:    0º 至 50ºC
温度感应器:    铂电阻温度检测器 (RTD)
工作温度:    -20ºC 至 80ºC
温度。传感器精度:    ± 0.05ºC
温度。传感器分辨率:    0.003°C
电池寿命估计:    10 年——基于 1 个读数/分钟
时钟精度(典型):    ± 1 分钟/年(-20ºC 至 80ºC)
** # 读数:    150,000组读数
记忆:    板岩和连续
沟通:    9600 bps 索林斯特 USB
尺寸:    22 毫米 x 173 毫米(7/8" x 6.8")
重量:    190 克(6.7 盎司)
耐腐蚀性能:    使用聚合技术的烘烤涂层
润湿材料:    Delrin®、Viton®、316L 不锈钢、哈氏合金、不含 PFAS 的 PTFE 涂层
采样模式:    具有重复模式、未来开始、未来停止、实时视图的线性、事件和用户可选
测量率:    1/8 秒至 99 小时
气压补偿:    自动的

楷模    满量程 (FS)                 准确性                                  解决
M5      5 米(16.4 英尺)        ± 0.3 厘米(0.010 英尺)    0.001% FS
M10    10 米(32.8 英尺)    ± 0.5 厘米(0.016 英尺)    0.0006% FS
M20    20 米(65.6 英尺)    ± 1 厘米(0.032 英尺)       0.0006% FS

材料:黑色 Delrin,316 不锈钢,氟橡胶
方面:30 毫米 x 76 毫米(1.2" x 3.0")
工作温度:-20ºC 至 80ºC


The Solinst LevelVent 5 is a vented version of our popular Levelogger. The highly accurate datalogger is designed to record water level and temperature measurements during shallow groundwater and surface water deployments.

The LevelVent 5 logger contains pressure and temperature sensors, a battery, memory for up to 150,000 data logs, and hydrophobic filter within a 22 mm x 173 mm (7/8" x 6.8") stainless steel housing with a corrosion-resistant coating.

The LevelVent uses a gauged pressure transducer; it is open to the atmosphere via a vented cable to the wellhead. The compact LevelVent wellhead is designed to fit in a Solinst 2" Well Cap Assembly, and provides easy connection for communication accessories.

The vented cable and Solinst LevelVent 5 logger are protected from moisture by permanent, built-in desiccants and hydrophobic filters in the logger and the wellhead.

The vented pressure transducer is made of Hastelloy, making it extremely durable and accurate in a wide range of temperature and monitoring conditions. The sensor provides an accuracy of 0.05% FS, and can withstand 2 times over-pressure without permanent damage.


LevelVent 5 Applications:
Ideal for shallow deployment: up to 65 ft (20 m) submergence
Aquifer characterization: pumping tests, slug tests, etc.
Stream gauging, lake, reservoir and dam management
Watershed, drainage basin and recharge monitoring
Stormwater and runoff monitoring
Water supply and tank level measurement
Long-term water level monitoring in wells and surface water

Vented Datalogger Advantages:
Continuous, reliable water level data for longterm monitoring projects
No barometric compensation required, saving data processing time
Instant water level data for real-time aquifer test results

LevelVent 5 Programming & Communication:
The LevelVent 5 is programmed and data downloaded using Solinst Levelogger Software and a PC Interface Cable. It can also be used with the Solinst Levelogger 5 App Interface and DataGrabber 5. Both accessories and PC Interface Cable conveniently connect directly to the LevelVent 5 wellhead.

Integrate the LevelVent 5 with Solinst Telemetry Systems, which use the latest wireless technologies. For deeper, hard to access applications, or areas that are prone to flooding, the Levelogger 5 Series of absolute pressure water level dataloggers are also options (see Model 3001 Levelogger 5 Series Data Sheet).


LevelVent Features:
Corrosion and abrasion-resistant coating baked on using polymerization technology
Gauged pressure sensor for highly-accurate water level measurements: 0.05% FS
Compact wellhead makes deployment simple using a Solinst 2" Well Cap Assembly
Communication cables and accessories connect directly to the wellhead
Long-lasting battery included in logger
Built-in hydrophobic filters and desiccants — no need to replace, reduces maintenance

LevelVent 5 Logger Specifications:
Level Sensor: Piezoresistive Silicon with Hastelloy Sensor
Accuracy:    ± 0.05% FS Typical
Stability of Readings:    Superior, low noise
Resolution:    0.001% FS to 0.0006% FS
Units of Measure:    m, cm, ft., psi, kPa, bar, ºC, ºF
Normalization:    Automatic Temperature Compensation
Temp. Comp. Range:    0º to 50ºC
Temperature Sensor:    Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Operating Temperature:    -20ºC to 80ºC
Temp. Sensor Accuracy:    ± 0.05ºC
Temp. Sensor Resolution:    0.003°C
Battery Life Estimate:    10 Years — based on 1 reading/minute
Clock Accuracy (typical):    ± 1 minute/year (-20ºC to 80ºC)
Maximum # Readings:    150,000 sets of readings
Memory:    Slate and Continuous
Communication:    9600 bps Solinst USB
Size:    22 mm x 173 mm (7/8" x 6.8")
Weight:    190 grams (6.7 oz)
Corrosion Resistance:    Baked-on coating using polymerization
technology (inside and out)
Wetted Materials:    Delrin®, Viton®, 316L stainless steel, Hastelloy, PFAS-free PTFE coating
Sampling Modes:    Linear, Event & User-Selectable with Repeat Mode, Future Start, Future Stop, Real-Time View
Measurement Rates:    1/8 sec to 99 hrs
Barometric Compensation:    Automatic

Models    Full Scale (FS)    Accuracy        Resolution
M5    5 m (16.4 ft)    ± 0.3 cm (0.010 ft)    0.001% FS
M10    10 m (32.8 ft)    ± 0.5 cm (0.016 ft)    0.0006% FS
M20    20 m (65.6 ft)    ± 1 cm (0.032 ft)    0.0006% FS

LevelVent 5 Wellhead:
Materials:    Black Delrin, 316 Stainless Steel, Viton
Dimensions:30 mm x 76 mm (1.2" x 3.0")
Operating Temperature:-20ºC to 80ºC
IP Rating:    IP 64 (dust and splash proof)

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