加拿大Solinst雨量记录器 Rainlogger 5(3002)

加拿大Solinst雨量记录器 Rainlogger 5(3002)

Rainlogger 5 是一款价格低廉的数据记录器,旨在记录带有簧片开关输出的标准翻斗式雨量计的尖端。

货 号:HY653

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 加拿大Solinst雨量记录器 Rainlogger 5(3002)

型号: Rainlogger 5 3002

Rainlogger 5 是一款价格低廉的数据记录器,旨在记录带有簧片开关输出的标准翻斗式雨量计的尖端。

Rainlogger 5是一款价格低廉的数据记录器,旨在记录标准翻斗式雨量计的尖端。这款紧凑耐用的现场装置具有长达 10 年的电池寿命和 ABS 外壳的 ESD(静电放电)保护,可提供长期的可靠性和便利性。
每个时间段的事件时间戳和总降雨量记录在非易失性存储器中,**多可保存 100,000 个读数。采样是基于事件的,因为 Rainlogger 5 记录并在发生时保存小费桶的每个提示。


加拿大Solinst雨量记录器 Rainlogger 5(3002)详细数据:
Levelogger客户可以使用直观的Levelogger 软件将降雨数据添加到他们的水位监测网络中。Rainlogger 5 可以轻松地将降水数据整合到现有的 Levelogger 数据中。降雨数据可以使降水事件与地下水或地表水位的变化相关联。

Rainlogger 5 与所有 Solinst Levelogger 5 通信和部署附件兼容。记录的数据可以直接下载到 PC、使用 Solinst Levelogger 应用程序的智能设备或 DataGrabber 5 数据传输设备。这种多功能记录器能够集成到 Solinst 遥测系统中,并且可以选择使用 SDI-12 协议进行通信。


加拿大Solinst雨量记录器 Rainlogger 5(3002)优点:

  • 单眼光学可实现快速、可靠的通信
  • ABS 外壳提供出色的 ESD 保护
  • **多可存储 100,000 个时间戳读数
  • 使用 10 年电池,维护成本低
  • 设计用于大多数翻斗
  • 与 Solinst 遥测系统兼容


Rainlogger 5使用用户友好的 Levelogger 软件进行简单编程。Field Reader 5 或 Desktop Reader 5 将 Rainlogger 5 连接到笔记本电脑或台式 PC,Levelogger 软件会自动检测连接的 Rainlogger。
Rainlogger 5 很容易在现场部署,使用连接到雨量计的 3 针连接器电缆。
数据下载随时可以是“所有数据”、“附加数据”或“数据转储”。数据可以图形或表格格式显示并导出到其他程序。Rainlogger 5 具有自检功能、可靠的内存和升级固件的能力。



  • 测量当地降水
  • 确定降雨高峰事件
  • 雨水管理
  • 流域的远程监测
  • 非常适合将降水事件与:
  • 地下水和地表水数据
  • 流域和流域研究
  • 农林研究

Rainlogger 5 3002参数:
电池寿命:10 年(记录 2 个参数/10 分钟)
时钟精度:+/- 1 分钟/年
工作温度:-20°C 至 80°C
** # 读数:100,000 个读数
沟通:光纤高速:57,600 bps,带 USB
采样率:变量 - 记录每个提示
尺寸:22 毫米 x 160 毫米(7/8"x 6.3")
重量:44 克(1.6 盎司)


The Rainlogger 5 is an inexpensive datalogger designed to record the tips of a standard tipping-bucket rain gauge. This compact and durable field unit offers long-term reliability and convenience with a battery that lasts up to 10 years, and ESD (electrostatic discharge) protection with an ABS housing.

The event time stamp and total rainfall per time period is logged in non-volatile memory, which holds up to 100,000 readings. Sampling is event based, as the Rainlogger 5 records and saves each tip of the tipping-bucket as it happens.


Detailed Data:
Levelogger customers can add rainfall data to their water level monitoring networks using the intuitive Levelogger Software. The Rainlogger 5 provides easy incorporation of precipitation data into existing Levelogger data. Rainfall data can allow correlation between precipitation events and changes in groundwater or surface water levels.

The Rainlogger 5 is compatible with all Solinst Levelogger 5 communication and deployment accessories. Logged data can be downloaded direct to a PC, your smart device using the Solinst Levelogger App, or to a DataGrabber 5 data transfer device. This versatile logger has the ability to integrate into a Solinst Telemetry System and has the option to communicate using SDI-12 protocol.


Technical Specifications:
Battery Life    10 years (logging 2 parameters/10 minutes)
Clock Accuracy    +/- 1 minute/year
Operating Temperature    -20°C to 80°C
Maximum # Readings    100,000 readings
Communication    Optical high-speed: 57,600 bps with USB
Sampling Mode    Event Based, Real Time View
Sampling Rate    Variable - records each tip
Size    22 mm x 160 mm (7/8"x 6.3")
Weight    44 grams (1.6 oz)
Wetted Materials    ABS, Delrin, Viton
Rain Gauge Requirement    Standard tipping-bucket with normally-open or closed style reed switch output

Single-eye optical for fast, reliable communication
ABS housing provides excellent ESD protection
Memory for up to 100,000 time stamped readings
Low maintenance with 10 year battery
Designed to be used with most tipping-buckets
Compatible with Solinst Telemetry Systems

The Rainlogger 5 is simply programmed with the user-friendly Levelogger Software. A Field Reader 5 or Desktop Reader 5 connects the Rainlogger 5 to a laptop or desktop PC and the Levelogger Software automatically detects the attached Rainlogger.

The Rainlogger 5 is easily deployed in the field, using a 3-pin connector cable attached to the rain gauge.

Data downloading can be 'All Data', 'Append Data', or 'Data Dump' at any time. Data can be displayed in graph or table format and exported to other programs. The Rainlogger 5 has self-test capability, reliable memory and the ability to upgrade firmware.


Measuring local precipitation
Determining peak rainfall events
Stormwater management
Remote monitoring of watersheds
Ideal for correlating precipitation events to:
Groundwater and surface water data
Watershed and drainage basin studies
Agricultural and forestry studies

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