- Solinst 12V 潜水泵提供了一种从监测井中清除和获取地下水样本的有效方法。
- 12V 潜水泵和 12V 泵控制器重量轻、便携,易于设置、部署和操作。还可以选择使用专门设计的井盖专用泵。泵的时尚、短设计确保它可以轻松安装在井下而不会挂断。
- Solinst 12V 潜水泵能够从地表以下 36.5 m (120 ft) 抽取地下水,在浅水条件下的流速高达 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm)。
Solinst 12V潜水泵控制器的设计和操作:
- Solinst 12V 潜水泵系统包括带电缆的 12V 潜水泵、12V 泵控制器、采样管(单独出售)和用户提供的电源。
- 12V 潜水泵电缆只需连接到 12V 泵控制器,然后夹到 12V 电源(单独提供)。将 3/8" (9.5 mm) 内径 LDPE 样品管推到 12V 泵上的倒钩接头上。
- 控制器上方便的 LED 灯指示 12V 潜水泵系统的状态,包括电池电压高低、电池连接正确、正常运行和**流量。它有一个易于复位的断路器(无需更换保险丝)。
- 只需顺时针转动 12V 泵控制器上的刻度盘即可增加控制器的电压,从而更快地转动泵的电机并增加流量。
Solinst 12V潜水泵控制器的特点:
- 操作非常简单,可从高流量调整到低流量
- 光滑、短(标称 6 英寸)泵设计可避免卡在不直或不垂直的井中
- 安装在标称 2" OD Sched. 40 或 80 PVC 管内
- 方便的 LED 灯指示 12V 泵控制器状态和泵运行
- 轻巧、紧凑、便携的系统;也是长期项目的专用井帽选项
Solinst 12V潜水泵控制器的应用:
- 用于普通化学的高流量和低流量地下水采样
- 高吹扫速率是使用三体积吹扫协议进行采样时的理想选择
- 在高 K(水导率)环境中执行恒压头测试时很有用
Solinst 12V潜水泵控制器的参数:
采样深度:地表以下 36.5 m (120 ft)
流量:高达 13.5 升/分钟(3.6 美制加仑/分钟)
泵电缆长度:25、50、75、100 和 130 英尺(7.5、15、23、30 和 40 m)
泵电缆重量:3.5 kg (7.8 lbs)(130 ft (40 m) 电缆长度)
润湿材料:ABS 泵体、304 不锈钢电机、叶轮和吊环螺栓、聚丙烯排放口和软管倒钩、丁腈/丁腈橡胶 O 形圈和密封件、PVC 护套电线
泵尺寸:外径 4.78 厘米 x 长 13.97 厘米(1.88" x 5.5")
泵重量:0.8 公斤(1.8 磅)
控制器尺寸:33 厘米 x 13 厘米 x 17 厘米(13 英寸 x 5 英寸 x 6.5 英寸)
控制器重量:3.4 公斤(7.5 磅)
控制器电缆长度:1 米(3.5 英尺)
能量源:12V 深循环 60 amp AGM 电池或更大,或车辆或船用电池
所需电压:12.5V–15V 源极
功耗:20mA(拨盘关闭时),3A(拨盘位于 1)至 36A(拨盘位于 MAX (10))
保修单:12V 潜水泵:90 天
12V 泵控制器:3 年
The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump provides an efficient means of purging and obtaining groundwater samples from monitoring wells.
The 12V Submersible Pump and 12V Pump Controller are lightweight, portable, and easy to set up, deploy and operate. There is also the option to dedicate the pump using a specially designed well cap. The Pump's sleek, short design ensures it fits easily down wells without hang-ups.
The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump is capable of pumping groundwater from 36.5 m (120 ft) below ground surface, with flow rates up to 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm) in shallow conditions.
Solinst 12V Pump Design and Operation:
- The Solinst 12V Submersible Pump system comprises the 12V Submersible Pump with cable, 12V Pump Controller, sample tubing (sold separately), and a user-supplied power source.
- The 12V Submersible Pump cable simply connects to the 12V Pump Controller, which then clips to a 12V power source (sourced separately). The 3/8" (9.5 mm) ID LDPE sample tubing is pushed onto the barbed fitting on the 12V Pump.
- Convenient LED lights on the Controller indicate the status of the 12V Submersible Pump system, including high or low battery voltage, proper battery connection, normal operation and maximum flow rate. It has an easy-to-reset circuit breaker (no fuse to replace).
- Simply turn the dial on the 12V Pump Controller clockwise to increase the voltage to the Controller, which turns the Pump's motor faster and increases the flow rate.
12V Submersible Pump Features:
- Very simple to operate and adjust from high to low flow rates
- Smooth, short (6" nominal) Pump design avoids getting stuck in wells that aren't straight or plumb
- Fits inside Nominal 2" OD Sched. 40 or 80 PVC Pipe
- Convenient LED light indicates 12V Pump Controller status and Pump operation
- Lightweight, compact, portable system; also a dedicated well cap option for longer term projects
12V Submersible Pump Applications:
- High and low-flow groundwater sampling for general chemistry
- High purge rates ideal when sampling using three volume purge protocol
- Useful when performing constant head tests in environments with high K (hydraulic conductivity)
415 12V Submersible Pump Specifications:
Sampling Depth: As much as 36.5 m (120 ft) below ground surface
Flow Rates: Up to 13.5 L/min (3.6 US gpm)
Pump Cable Lengths: 25, 50, 75, 100 and 130 ft (7.5, 15, 23, 30 and 40 m)
Pump Cable Weight: 3.5 kg ( 7.8 lbs) (for 130 ft (40 m) cable length)
Wetted Materials: ABS pump body, 304 stainless steel motor, impeller and eyebolt, poly-propylene discharge outlet and hose barb, nitrile/ buna o-rings and seals, PVC jacket electrical wire
Pump Size: 4.78 cm OD x 13.97 cm long (1.88" x 5.5")
Pump Weight: 0.8 kg (1.8 lbs)
Controller Size: 33 cm x 13 cm x 17 cm (13" x 5" x 6.5")
Controller Weight: 3.4 kg (7.5 lbs)
Controller Cable Length: 1 m (3.5 ft)
Power Source: 12V Deep Cycle 60 amp AGM Battery or larger, or vehicle or marine battery
Voltage Required: 12.5V–15V at source
Power Draw: 20mA (when dial is OFF), 3A (dial is at 1) to 36A (dial is at MAX (10))
Max. Run Time: Continuous, as long as Pump fully submerged during operation
Warranty: 12V Submersible Pump: 90 Days
12V Pump Controller: 3 Years