产品名称: 声波水位计
品牌:global water
Global Water 的 WL650 声波水位计是一种独立的、电池供电的仪表,它使用声波来测量井水位。无需使用井下水位计,即可在现场或任何地方进行快速、准确的测量。声波水位计重量轻、结构紧凑、用途广泛且易于操作。
美国global water声波水位计WL650概述
在 DEPTH 开关上选择 NORMAL(10-500 英尺)或 DEEP(200 至 1500 英尺)设置。然后要测量加盖的井,只需将管道插入接入端口并按下电源开关。几秒钟后,水位将出现在数字显示屏上。在 NORMAL 设置中,声音发声器保持激活状态 5 秒或 5 次 ping。使用 DEEP 模式,水平仪在 16 秒内发出 4 次脉冲。如需更多测量时间,请根据需要按住开关。
美国global water声波水位计WL650主要特征:
• 在几秒钟内快速准确地测量水位
• 避免交叉污染
• 无需清洁设备
• 增益/灵敏度选项
• 适用于套管钢或PVC 封盖的井、部分套管的岩石井、弯曲的井以及带有管道、接线和操作泵的井。
对于未加盖的孔,请使用提供的盖板。它滑入测量管道并为直径达 6 英寸的套管提供密封。较大直径的盖板可以很容易地由塑料或金属板制成。
美国global water声波水位计WL650规格
Global Water’s WL650 Sonic Water Level Meter is a self-contained, battery operated meter that uses sound waves to measure well water level. Fast, accurate measurements are possible in the field or anywhere without the use of down-hole water level meters. The Sonic Water Level Meters are lightweight, compact, versatile, and easy to operate.
The meter is simple to operate. Select either the NORMAL (10-500 feet) or DEEP (200 to 1500 feet)
setting on the DEPTH switch. Then to measure a capped well, simply insert the duct into the access port and push the power-on switch. In a few seconds the water level will appear on the digital display. In the NORMAL setting, the sonic sounder stays activated for 5 seconds or 5 pings. Using the DEEP mode the level sounder emits 4 pings in16 seconds. For more measuring time, hold the switch down as long as necessary.
Key Features:
• Fast accurate water level measurements in seconds
• Avoid cross contamination
• No equipment to clean
• Gain/Sensitivity option
• Works in cased steel or PVC capped wells, partially cased rock wells, crooked wells and wells with pipes, wiring and operating pumps.
For uncapped wells, use the provided cover plate. It slips onto the measuring duct and provides a seal for up to 6 inch diameter casings. Cover plates for larger diameters can be easily fabricated from plastic or metal sheet.