


货 号:HY1192

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  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200适用于连续监测空气中具有长效放射性的气溶胶颗粒(LLRD),通常应用于原子能设施场所,NORM工业,矿山矿井以及放射性医疗等现场。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200通过内置抽气泵吸气,将空气中漂浮的放射性气溶胶收集于滤膜表面,随后使用能谱法对气溶胶中所包含的不同放射性核素进行区别与分析测量。由氡气所产生的天然Alpha环境本底以及周边环境Gamma辐射所带来的Beta本底被完全补偿扣除(实时动态补偿)。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200启动后即可随时投入使用,操作者无需特殊培训,触摸屏显示提供丰富信息,操作者可以方便直观的选择菜单,启动测量。经由人体工程学设计,机身重量结构以及大直径滚轮满足设备快速轻松移动需求。工业化设计的平整表面便于清洁去污染。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200设计兼顾静音噪声控制,开放式的进气口,恒定的流量控制保证了稳定均匀的气溶胶采样收集过程。大面积的滤膜以及滤膜卷筒长度,满足了长时间的连续使用需求。独特的滤膜气密性设计,完美解决了困扰其他同类型产品的泄漏以及滤膜抖动问题。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200主动自适应流量控制,使内置泵始终工作在低负荷状态下,大幅延长了设备的使用寿命。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200采样进气口也可经由转接头(KF/DN16)连接至气体管道。同样转接口的独特结构设计,保证了气溶胶颗粒采样损失可忽略不计。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200的滤膜可以直接快速徒手更换,例如对于个别污染特例,可以方便的单独截取滤膜。
  • 放射性气溶胶颗粒监测系统Aer5200所有用于保障测量数据安全有效的额外监测参数都会同步保存下来。一旦测量结果超出预设报警值或测量进入非正常状态,声光报警即时提醒用户进行检查。



Aer 5200 :: Portable alpha/beta Continuous Air Monitor (CAM)

The Aer 5200 continuously monitors the ambient air to detect airborne radioactive aerosols (LLRD). Typical application fields are nuclear facilities, the NORM industry, mines and nuclear medicine (e.g. ISO 16639).

The aerosols will be siphoned by the internal pump, deposited on the surface of a filter and analysed by spectroscopy. The natural background due to radon and gamma irradiation will be fully compensated.

The Aer 5200 is instantly ready for operation after powering. The intuitive touch screen operation and the straightforward menu structure allow the operation even by unversed users. The ergonomic design, big wheels and low weight makes it easy to relocate the instrument if required. The stylish unit with plain surfaces can be easily de-contaminated.

The pump works very quiet. The open face air inflow in combination with a regulated flow rate ensures a uniform and low-loss deposition of the aerosols on the filter surface. The large active filter diameter and the long filter tape used in the filter stepping unit lead to outstanding mainenance free operation periods. The unique mechanism for dynamic filter sealing avoids leakages as present in conventional movable-filter solutions.

Due to the controlled flowrate, the pump runs mostly below the rated speed resulting in a significant reduced abrasion. Therefore, the maintenance free periods will be prolonged substantialy.

Optionally, the unit may be equipped with a vacuum adapter (KF/DN16) to connect sampling pipes or flexible tubes. Particle loss at the inlet becomes negligible by the special construction.
Contaminated filter pieces can be cut out easily for further analysis due to the quick stepping drive access.

Because of the high sensitivity of the Aer 5200, very low detection limits and alert thresholds for alpha and beta exposure can be achieved. All parameters, necessary for proper operation are monitored continuously and are part of the stored measurement data. A flexible alert system warns the user in case of the exceedance of a threshold or any deviation from the regular operation mode.

The Aer 5300 offers a detector/filter unit separated from the body of the instrument. This allows the user to place the sampling head independently under conditions with limited space.

There are many options for additional detectors/sensors (e.g. NaI probe with nuclide identification) and system integration.

恒仪商城(hinstr.cn) 河北恒仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有冀ICP备16029740号-1
咨询电话:400-877-8810 | 邮箱:pm#hinstr.cn (# 变成 @) | 地址:河北省保定市莲池区瑞兴路19号