型号:Lab Scout
- 在世界各地,越来越多的消费者开始注意到食品收放射性污染的问题。 同样生产厂商,贸易商,终端用户,他们都希望清楚的知道,所接触到的商品是否低于法定限值。 这台食品辐射检测仪LabScout特别为非专业人员所设计,实现了现场即时测量的可能性。
- 食品辐射检测仪LabScout适合随意摆放,对待检定物品可以直接进行测量。 方便合理的工程学设计,便于清洗维护。无需沉重的铅屏蔽罩等附加设备。
- 食品辐射检测仪LabScout内置高精度电子秤,自动对样品称重,并且可以进行密度矫正。 通过使用大体积碘化钠探测器,优化的测量空间设计,实现了快速测量与优异的能谱记录分析结果两者完美的结合。
- 食品辐射检测仪LabScout可通过软件预设6种核素识别与报警阀值。 在接通电源后,仪器自动开始环境本底测量,结果自动用于检测限值计算。如果环境本底明显增高, 仪器会自动调整随后的检测周期长短。
- 食品辐射检测仪LabScout为了测量的精确度,需要将待测物品充满马林杯。 如果需要,也可以使用其他容器,但是会影响测量的检定限值。 内置的电子秤给出重量值,用于自动输出单位为贝克每公斤的测量结果。 需注意的是,样品的密度是通过重量与马林杯的体积所得。
Lab Scout :: Gamma quantifier with integrated scale
The Lab Scout is a very easy to operate instrument to detect and quantify natural and artificial radionuclides in material samples. For standard operation procedure neither a computer nor special skills of the operator are required. On the other hand, the instrument can still be used as a flexible and powerful tool in the laboratory.
The high sensitive, temperature compensated 2 by 2 inch NaI detector with magnetic shielding offers an outstanding spectroscopic performance as well as a wide measurement range from 25 keV to 3 MeV. As an option, a two centimetre thick 360° lead shield is available. This will reduce the background radiation dramatically resulting in a lower statistical error and detection limit.
The included operation software for Windows computers allows an intuitive calibration just by a few mouse clicks using spectra of reference samples. In addition to the energy and peak width calibration an assistant for the efficiency calibration of any sample geometry is included. A number of calibration curves for standard sampling procedures (like Marinelli beaker) will be available to write them into the instrument.
You can create various nuclide lists of up to sixteen lines from an editable library with respect to your measuring problem. The acquired spectrum will be analysed for these lines by the advanced PSV (Peak Shape Verification) method. If a line becomes identified and verified, the weight-specific activity of the emitting nuclide will be calculated due to the integrated scale.