美国global water消火栓水压记录仪PL200-H

美国global water消火栓水压记录仪PL200-H

Global Water PL200-H 消火栓水压记录仪是一款易于使用的水压数据记录仪,可帮助您快速识别和定位配压问题以及丰富的系统建模数据。

货 号:HY2182

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称: 消火栓水压记录仪


品牌:global water



Global Water PL200-H 消火栓水压记录仪是一款易于使用的水压数据记录仪,可帮助您快速识别和定位配压问题以及丰富的系统建模数据。

美国global water消火栓水压记录仪PL200-H概述


消火栓水压记录仪的 ez-connect 适配器系统允许您直接连接到标准的 2 ½ 英寸 NST(NH) 消火栓端口,或轻松适应其他软管螺纹和特殊的“城市”螺纹。设计类似于普通的消火栓帽,消火栓水压记录仪不太可能被偶然的路人偷走或破坏。


消火栓水压记录仪的海量内存缓冲区将存储超过 81,000 个压力读数,用户定义的间隔从每秒 1 次到每年超过 1 次。此外,PL200-H 消火栓水压记录仪的快速、每秒 10 个样本的采样模式可以捕捉压力峰值和水锤等瞬时事件。(注意:快速记录会缩短电池寿命。)可编程启动和停止警报时间可以同步多个消火栓水压记录仪同时启动,延迟启动到预设时间,或限制给定时间段内的记录次数。


PL200-H 消火栓水压记录仪非常适合用于识别配水系统中的压力问题、获取系统建模数据等。

PL200-H 消火栓水压记录仪配备标准 USB 数据端口,并包含我们用户友好的 Global Logger II WindowsT 软件,可轻松设置、校准、上传和数据传输到笔记本电脑或台式 PC 上的电子表格程序. Global Logger II 软件还具有在线帮助文​​件,可通过下拉菜单和链接轻松访问,以快速找到问题的答案。

美国global water消火栓水压记录仪PL200-H规格



The Global Water PL200-H Hydrant Water Pressure Logger is an easy to use water pressure data logger that will assist you to quickly identify and locate distribution pressure problems as well as a wealth of system modeling data.

Smart Hydrant Connection Design

The Hydrant Water Pressure Logger's ez-connect adapter system allows you to connect directly to a standard 2 ½ inch NST(NH) fire hydrant port, or easily adapt to other hose threads and special "city" threads. Designed to resemble a regular hydrant cap, the Hydrant Water Pressure Loggers are less likely to be stolen or vandalized by casual passers by.

Powerful Datalogging

The Hydrant Water Pressure Logger's massive memory buffer will store over 81,000 pressure readings with user defined intervals from 1 per second to more than 1 per year. Plus, the PL200-H Hydrant Water Pressure Logger's fast, 10 samples per second sampling mode can capture momentary events like pressure spikes and water hammer. (Note: Fast recording will reduce battery life.) Programmable start and stop alarm times makes it possible to synchronize multiple Hydrant Water Pressure Loggers to start simultaneously, delay start until a preset time, or limit the number of recordings during a given time period.

Hydrant Water Pressure Logger Applications

The PL200-H Hydrant Water Pressure Loggers are ideal for identifying pressure problems in water distribution systems, obtaining system modeling data, and more.

The PL200-H Hydrant Water Pressure Loggers are equipped with a standard USB data port and include our user friendly Global Logger II WindowsT software, which allows for easy setup, calibration, upload, and data transfer to a spreadsheet program on your laptop or desktop PC. The Global Logger II software also has online help files that are easily accessed using drop down menus and links to quickly find the answers to your questions.


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