英国Triton多用途 CST 319 型

英国Triton多用途 CST 319 型

英国Triton 319 型多用途 CST 可与 5 个单半径测试头或一个多半径测试头一起使用,以快速评估过滤阻力。

货 号:HY6211

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称:多用途 CST

型号系列:319 型




Triton 319 型多用途 CST 可与 5 个单半径测试头或一个多半径测试头一起使用,以快速评估过滤阻力。
每个 319 CST 型都配备 1 个单半径测试头;任何其他的作为单独的项目购买。
多半径测试头有 5 个间隔设置的探头,以在每个探头之间提供相同的体积。如下图所示。已经表明,对于各种不同类型的污泥,在使用标准布氏漏斗装置和多半径测试头的过滤比阻力之间存在近似线性关系。使用多半径测试头时,319 型设备会自动将时间除以探头编号。由于过滤满足时间和滤液体积之间的经典抛物线关系,因此读数的算术差异是恒定的,并且与电阻率成正比。

快速有效地确定多个 CST 值


The Triton Type 319 Multi-purpose CST can be used with either 5 single radius test heads or with one multi-radii test head for the rapid assessment of resistance to filtration.
Each Type 319 CST is supplied with 1 single radius test head; any others are purchased as separate items.
The multi-radii test head has 5 probes set at intervals to give the same volume between each probe. This is illustrated in the chart below. It has been shown that for a wide range of different types of sludge there is an approximately linear relationship between the specific resistance to filtration, using the standard Buchner funnel apparatus and the multi-radii test head. When using the multi-radii test head the Type 319 unit automatically divides the time by the probe number. Since filtration fulfils the classical parabolic relationship between time and volume of filtrate, then the arithmetic difference in the reading is constant and directly proportional to the specific resistance.

Determine a number of CST values quickly and efficiently
Measure an estimate of Specific Resistance to Filtration

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