产品名称: 3G控制器 型号系列:IQ SensorNet 品牌:YSI 产地:美国 价格:**终成交价格需联系客服 凭借可扩展的解决方案,2020 3G 允许测量多达 20 个参数。这种完全模块化的即插即用系统使您能够连续准确地监控和控制废水处理设施中的过程。 美国YSI 3G控制器 IQ SensorNet概述YSI IQ SensorNet 2020 3G 控制器是一个模块化水质系统,适用于完整的传感器网络,非常适合各种应用需求。这是一个功能强大的系统,可以连续测量设施中任何地方的水质参数以进行过程控制。直接的好处包括更好的网络可见性和管理、及早发现网络故障、提高对监管目标的合规性以及节省成本(能源、泵/鼓风机维护、劳动力)。 该系统能够测量: 溶解氧(光学或电化学) 酸碱度 ORP 电导率 正磷酸盐 温度 浊度——超声波清洗 TSS(总悬浮固体)——超声波清洗 铵 硝酸盐 亚硝酸盐——超声波清洗 NOx——超声波清洗 钾 氯化物 UVT-254 – 超声波清洗 COD(化学需氧量)——超声波清洗 TOC(总有机碳)——超声波清洗 DOC(TOC的溶解有机碳份额)——超声波清洗 SAC(光谱吸收系数)——超声波清洗 BOD(生化需氧量)——超声波清洗 污泥水平 盐度 比电导 整个系统**多可容纳 20 个传感器,用于上述参数的任意组合。随时随地添加传感器或轻松更换传感器。只需更改传感器(参数)并开始获取新参数的数据。 IQ SensorNet 终端具有易于阅读的数字显示屏。终端可以保持在固定位置,也可以轻松断开连接并添加到模块中,以实现简单的移动终端解决方案。只需几秒钟即可将终端从其位置拉出并使用工具移动到新位置。 终端功能包括: 全网集中供电 2 线电缆提供电源和数据传输 轻松选择继电器和模拟输出 数字输出也可用于 Profibus、Modbus 或 Profinet 通过 IQ WEB CONNECT 应用程序连接 通过无线电传输进行无线连接 沿网络轻松添加测量点 具有快速数据交换的多功能USB接口(电子钥匙功能使USB记忆棒可以用作钥匙) 可编程访问权限 LED 状态更新 备用电源和控制的系统冗余(如果使用两个终端,如果**个出现故障或掉电等,第二个将自动接管) YSI IQ SensorNet 将提供连续数据并帮助提高流程效率,同时节省能源成本、维护和劳动力成本。 构建系统很容易:您将需要终端、模块、电缆和传感器。您需要做的就是确定要测量的参数和位置。之后,IQ SensorNet 系统负责这项工作。 只有 YSI 可以为您提供: 3年质保 超声波清洗 防雷保护 从 1 到 20 个传感器的模块化扩展;使用多达 3 个附加模块扩展网络的能力 1个120V电源 **多可以有 48 个输出通道(mA/继电器) 一根用于电源和通信的电缆 工厂校准的光学 DO 盖 USB接口(也可用作安全功能) 用于备份控制的系统冗余 中文内容来自机器翻译,内容仅供参考,实际内容可参考原厂介绍或以合同为准。 英文原文: With a scalable solution, the 2020 3G allows for the measurement of up to 20 parameters. This completely modular plug-and-play system allows you to monitor and control the process in your wastewater facility continuously and accurately. Overview The YSI IQ SensorNet 2020 3G controller is a modular water quality system for a complete sensor network ideal for various application needs. This is a powerful system to continuously measure water quality parameters anywhere in a facility for process control. Immediate benefits include better network visibility and management, early detection of network failures, improved compliance with regulatory targets and cost savings (energy, pump/blower maintenance, labor). The system is capable of measuring: Dissolved oxygen (optical or electrochemical) pH ORP Conductivity Orthophosphate Temperature Turbidity - ultrasonic cleaning TSS (total suspended solids) - ultrasonic cleaning Ammonium Nitrate Nitrite – ultrasonic cleaning NOx – ultrasonic cleaning Potassium Chloride UVT-254 – ultrasonic cleaning COD (chemical oxygen demand) - ultrasonic cleaning TOC (total organic carbon) - ultrasonic cleaning DOC (dissolved organic carbon share of TOC) - ultrasonic cleaning SAC (spectral absorption coefficient) - ultrasonic cleaning BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) - ultrasonic cleaning Sludge Level Salinity Specific conductance The entire system accommodates up to 20 sensors for the above listed parameters in any combination. Add sensors at any time and at any location or exchange them with ease. Simply change sensors (parameters) and start getting data for the new parameter. The IQ SensorNet terminal has an easy-to-read digital display. The terminal can be kept at a fixed location or easily disconnected and added to a module for a simple mobile terminal solution. The terminal can just be pulled off its location and moved to a new location with tools in a matter of seconds. The terminal features include: Centralized power supply along the entire network 2-wire cable provides power and data transfer Easily select relays and analog outputs Digital outputs also available with Profibus, Modbus, or Profinet Connection via IQ WEB CONNECT app Wireless connection via radio transmission Easily add measuring points along the network Multi-functional USB interface with fast data exchange (electronic-key function allows USB stick to function as a key) Programmable access permission LED status update System redundancy for backup power and control (if two terminals are used, the second one would take over automatically if the first one fails or loses power, etc.) The YSI IQ SensorNet will provide continuous data and help improve process efficiency while saving money on energy costs, maintenance, and labor. Building a system is easy: you will need a terminal(s), module(s), cable(s) and sensor(s). All you need to do is determine which parameters you want to measure and where. After that, the IQ SensorNet system takes care of the work. Only YSI can offer you: 3-year warranty Ultrasonic cleaning Lightning protection Modular expansion from 1 to 20 sensors; ability to extend network with up to 3 additional modules One 120V power supply Up to 48 output channels (mA/relays) are possible One cable for power AND communications Factory calibrated optical DO cap USB interface (can also be used as a security feature) System redundancy for backup control |