美国YSI自主水下航行器i3XO EcoMapper

美国YSI自主水下航行器i3XO EcoMapper

YSI Integrated Systems & Services与 Ocean Server Technology 合作,将 Iver3 自主水下航行器和 YSI EXO水质系统相结合,打造出 i3XO AUV。i3XO 将**新的水质和 AUV 结合为一个强大的监测平台。

货 号:HY6250

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称: 自主水下航行器

型号系列:i3XO EcoMapper




下一代自动水质车辆。i3XO 可生成水质、水流、水深测量和声纳图像的高分辨率地图。

i3XO EcoMapper 自主水下航行器

i3XO EcoMapper AUV(自主水下航行器)将提供高分辨率水质数据、侧扫声纳成像、下视电流剖面和水深测量。

美国YSI自主水下航行器i3XO EcoMapper概述

YSI Integrated Systems & Services与 Ocean Server Technology 合作,将 Iver3 自主水下航行器和 YSI EXO水质系统相结合,打造出 i3XO AUV。i3XO 将**新的水质和 AUV 结合为一个强大的监测平台。  

i3XO AUV 将提供高分辨率水质数据、侧扫声纳成像、下视电流剖面和水深测量。由政府机构、军队、大学、承包商和私人组织使用,i3XO 的多功能性非常适合您的所有监控要求。

研究人员和科学家依靠 AUV、更小、更快的仪器实现实时测绘、传感

美国YSI自主水下航行器i3XO EcoMapper特征:

*多达 8 个水质参数(*4 个传感器端口 - 使用EXO1 多参数探头)
作业深度可达 100 米

美国YSI自主水下航行器i3XO EcoMapper规格:

英特尔双核 1.6 GHz N2600 处理器,内嵌 MS Windows;高达 512 GB 固态硬盘用于数据存储,高达 512 GB 固态硬盘用于数据存储
通讯;表面:用于手持遥控器的 2.4 GHz 遥测无线电;和/或 Iridium 与基于云的跟踪软件。无线 802.11g 以太网标准
导航; 表面:GPS(WAAS 校正)。地下:RDI 多普勒速度日志 (DVL) 向下看,81M 范围,深度传感器和校正罗盘
48V 伺服控制直流电机,带 3 叶片铸铜螺旋桨
通过支持 USB 2.0 的 24V 外部连接器充电
60-85” LX 5.8” 直径,59-85lbs 重量
锂离子电池,800 WHrs,可选的备用尾段和额外的电池组
1-4 节速度范围,100 米深度等级
以 2.5 节的速度运行 8-10 小时
导航灯,带红外和可见 LED(可编程频闪)


The next generation of autonomous water quality vehicles. The i3XO generates high-resolution maps of water quality, water currents, bathymetry, and sonar imagery.

i3XO EcoMapper Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

The i3XO EcoMapper AUV (autonomous underwater vehicle) will provide high resolution water quality data, side scan sonar imaging, downward looking current profiling, and bathymetric surveying.

YSI Integrated Systems & Services partnered with Ocean Server Technology to combine the Iver3 Autonomous Underwater Vehicle and the YSI EXO water quality system to create the i3XO AUV. The i3XO is the combination of the latest in water quality and AUV’s combined into one robust monitoring platform.  

The i3XO AUV will provide high resolution water quality data, side scan sonar imaging, downward looking current profiling, and bathymetric surveying. Used by government agencies, military, universities, contractors, and private organizations, the versatility of the i3XO is perfect for all your monitoring requirements.

Researchers and Scientists Rely on AUVs, Smaller, Faster Instrumentation Enables Real-Time Mapping, Sensing

One person deployable system
Intuitive Point and Click mission planning (user defined or predefined patterns)
Geo-referenced data
*Up to 8 water quality parameters (*4 sensor ports - using EXO1 Multiparameter Sonde)
Bottom mapping and water column profiling
Operating depth of up to 100 meters
Complete wide-area surveys without the use of a boat

Intel Dual Core 1.6 GHz N2600 processor with MS Windows embedded; Up to 512 GB solid state drive for data storage, Up to 512 GB solid state drive for data storage
Communications; Surface: 2.4 GHz telemetry radio for Handheld Remote; and/or Iridium with cloud based tracking software. Wireless 802.11g Ethernet standard
Navigation; Surface: GPS (WAAS corrected). Subsurface: RDI Doppler Velocity Log(DVL) downward looking, 81M range, depth sensor and corrected compass
48V Servo Controlled DC Motor with 3-blade cast bronze propeller
Charging via a 24V External Connector with USB 2.0 supports
Four independent control planes (Pitch/ Yaw Fins)
60-85” L X 5.8” Dia, 59-85lbs weight
Rugged, lightweight carbon fiber and marine grade aluminum
Bow integrated EXO water quality system and forward object avoidance sensor
Side Scan Sonar; Single frequency 450kHz
Built-in moisture detectors
Li-lon batteries, 800 WHrs, Optional spare tail section with additional battery pack
1-4 knots speed range, 100 meter depth rating
8-10 hours operating time at 2.5 knots
Navigation Lights, with IR and Visible LED’s (programmable strobe)

恒仪商城(hinstr.cn) 河北恒仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有冀ICP备16029740号-1
咨询电话:400-877-8810 | 邮箱:pm#hinstr.cn (# 变成 @) | 地址:河北省保定市莲池区瑞兴路19号