美国YSI光学测控仪5500D MultiDO

美国YSI光学测控仪5500D MultiDO

YSI 5500D 和 AquaManager 软件专为水产养殖系统设计,将过程控制、报警和数据管理集成到一个产品中。简单到可以监控一个坦克,强大到足以在世界任何地方管理全面的农业作业。使用光学技术同时测量多个罐或池塘中的溶解氧。

货 号:HY6265

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称: 光学测控仪

型号系列:5500D MultiDO




YSI 5500D 和 AquaManager 软件专为水产养殖系统设计,将过程控制、报警和数据管理集成到一个产品中。简单到可以监控一个坦克,强大到足以在世界任何地方管理全面的农业作业。使用光学技术同时测量多个罐或池塘中的溶解氧。

YSI 5200A 连续多参数监测仪、5500D 连续光学溶解氧监测仪和 AquaManager 软件专为水产养殖系统设计,可用于将过程控制、进料、报警和数据管理集成到一个产品中,也可以用于简单地监测一个水箱. 强大到足以在世界任何地方管理全面的农业作业,但又足够简单,任何人都可以使用。

YSI 与 Hanilu 农场的问答
YSI 水产养殖专家 Darrin Honious 与 Hanilu 农场的所有者/经营者 Leland Meador 就 YSI 5500D 连续监测仪、YSI ProODO 手持设备和 YSI AquaViewer II 应用程序如何帮助农场管理溶解氧水平和改进过程控制进行了交谈。

美国YSI光学测控仪5500D MultiDO概述

用于连续监测和控制的光学溶解氧 (DO) 计

事实证明,5500D 监视器及其光学探头是管理超密集养虾的宝贵工具,可以快速调整以**限度地减少低 DO 造成的压力,同时设置 DO 上限和下限有助于优化氧气使用。

专为水产养殖系统设计的 YSI 5500D 溶解氧连续监测仪和 AquaManager 软件可用于将过程控制、进料、报警和数据管理集成到一个产品中,也可以用于简单地监测一个水箱。借助 YSI 的 ODO 光学溶解氧技术,您将受益于降低的成本、更少的维护和更好的数据。ODO 传感器无需更换膜、无需清洗电极、无需搅拌且校准频率较低。

使用App Store中的AquaViewer应用程序随时访问您的设施水质数据,或使用 AquaManager 桌面软件管理您的网络。
•MultiDO监视器采用光学DO技术;1-4 DO 探头输入,具体取决于型号
•以太网 TCP/IP 或无线通信 - 可选
•带有 Feed Smart 软件的条件馈电定时器
•网络能力高达 32 台仪器每次通信端口或与 5200A 和 5400s 集成
• 图形界面功能,使用 AquaManager 软件可实现快速、可靠的系统状态
• 即插即用...易于安装、设置和维护;无需聘请顾问
•AquaViewer 应用程序可用于随时轻松访问数据

标准的有条件进料计时器 Feed Smart 根据用户的预设标准管理食物配送。根据用户可选择的每日饲喂次数、每日饲料重量、总生物量和饲料转化率 (FCR) 以及基于水质值的参数控制来管理饲料输送。与大多数自动供料器的接口。

可选的 AquaManager 桌面软件允许您从一个中心位置方便地查看、配置或设置仪器。立即查看您的设施概况、管理参数设置点并方便地管理数据以做出明智的运营决策。设施映射功能提供所有池塘或水池的即时概览,指示其当前状态。

当与5200A、5400或 5500D 仪器联网时,YSI IOEM 和 REM 扩展模块增加了 YSI 水产养殖平台的灵活性和能力 。将4 个 ( IOEM-4 ) 或 8 个 ( IOEM-8 ) 模拟通道配置为输入或输出,以便能够集成第 3 方传感器或来自其他设备的输出。输出可配置为控制泵、UV 系统、模拟阀,或将数据发送到 SCADA/PLC 系统。 REM (继电器扩展模块)在需要控制馈线、照明、加热器、警报等的地方添加继电器。


MultiDO Monitoring and Control Instrument

Designed specifically for Aquaculture Systems, the YSI 5500D and AquaManager Software integrate process control, alarming, and data management into one product. Simple enough to monitor one tank, powerful enough to manage a full scale farming operation from anywhere in the world. Simultaneously measure dissolved oxygen with optical technology in multiple tanks or ponds.

YSI Aquaculture Monitoring & Control Instrumentation

Engineered specifically for aquaculture systems, the YSI 5200A continuous multiparameter monitor, 5500D continuous optical dissolved oxygen monitor and AquaManager Software can be used to integrate process control, feeding, alarming, and data management into one product or can be used to simply monitor one tank. Powerful enough to manage a full scale farming operation from anywhere in the world yet simple enough for anyone to use.

YSI Q&A with Hanilu Farms

YSI aquaculture expert Darrin Honious talks with Leland Meador, owner/operator of Hanilu Farms, about how the YSI 5500D continuous monitor, the YSI ProODO handheld and the YSI AquaViewer II app have helped the farm manage dissolved oxygen levels and improve process control.

Optical Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Meter for Continuous Monitoring and Control

5500D monitors and their optical probes proved to be a valuable tool for the management of super-intensive shrimp culture, allowing quick adjustments to be made to minimize stress from low DO while setting upper and lower DO limits helped to optimize oxygen use.
- Dr. Tzachi Samocha
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Designed specifically for aquaculture systems, the YSI 5500D continuous monitor for dissolved oxygen and AquaManager Software can be used to integrate process control, feeding, alarming and data management into one product or can be used to simply monitor one tank. With YSI's ODO optical dissolved oxygen technology you'll benefit from reduced costs, less maintenance and better data. The ODO sensors require no membrane changes, no electrode cleaning, no stirring requirement and less frequent calibrations.

Access your facilities water quality data at any time with the AquaViewer App from the App Store or manage your network with AquaManager desktop software.
•MultiDO monitor using optical DO technology; 1-4 DO probe inputs depending on model
•Ethernet TCP/IP or wireless communications - optional
•Event logging records calibrations, high and low conditions, and more
•Conditional feed timer with Feed Smart software included
•Networking capability up to 32 instruments per communications port or integration with 5200As and 5400s
•Graphic interface function for quick, reliable system status with the use of AquaManager software
•Plug-and-play...easy to install, setup and maintain; no need to hire consultants
•Flexible control software
•E-mail and SMS alarming
•AquaViewer app available for easy access to data at any time

The standard conditional feed timer, Feed Smart, manages food delivery based on user's preset criteria. Manage feed delivery based on user-selectable inputs for the number of daily feedings, daily feed weights, total biomass and feed conversion ratios (FCRs), along with parameter control based on water quality values. Interfaces with most auto feeders.

Optional AquaManager desktop software allows you to view, configure, or setup instruments from the convenience of one central location. Instantly see an overview of your facility, manage parameter set points, and conveniently manage data to make informed operational decisions. The facility mapping feature provides an immediate overview of all ponds or tanks indicating their current state.

The YSI IOEM and REM expansion modules increase the flexibility and capability of the YSI aquaculture platform when networked with 5200A, 5400 or 5500D instruments. Configure 4 (IOEM-4) or 8 (IOEM-8) analog channels as inputs or outputs for the ability to integrate 3rd party sensors or output from other devices. Outputs can be configured to control pumps, UV systems, analog valves, or send data to SCADA/ PLC systems. REMs (Relay Expansion Module) add relays where needed to control feeders, lighting, heaters, alarming, and more.

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