产品名称: ProSolo手持式套件
ProSolo ODO/T 套件包括数字 ProSolo 手持设备、光学溶解氧和温度探头组件(4 或 10 米电缆长度)和软边手提箱。
美国YSI ProSolo手持式套件ODO-T 概述
ODO/T 探头组件与 ProSolo 手持设备配对,形成一个完整的采样系统。
ODO/T 采用集成式数字传感器,即插即用,可**限度地减少仪器设置所花费的时间。Pro DIGITAL 技术允许手持设备自动识别连接的传感器,因此无需告诉仪器连接的是什么。
光学溶解氧 (ODO) 技术是非消耗性的,这意味着在测量过程中不会消耗氧气。不存在流量依赖性,也不需要搅拌,从而可以从探头获得**准确的 DO 测量值。ODO 传感器不易受到其他气体的干扰,漂移更少,并且比膜覆盖传感器保持校准时间更长。使用一个至少可以使用两年的简单螺纹光学盖,维护变得轻而易举。
ProSolo 手持设备具有易于阅读的彩色显示屏、大容量内存、直观的界面、可充电电池和功能强大的数据管理软件 (KorDSS),可提供强大而方便的采样体验。非常适合地表水、地下水、沿海/河口、水产养殖和废水应用!
The ProSolo ODO/T kit includes the digital ProSolo handheld, an optical dissolved oxygen and temperature probe assembly (4 or 10 meter cable length), and a soft-sided carrying case.
Need a different ODO/T cable length for your ProSolo system? Visit the ProSolo ODO/T system page.
The ODO/T probe assembly pairs with the ProSolo Handheld to form a complete sampling system.
Featuring integral, digital sensors, the ODO/T is plug-and-play which minimizes time spent on instrument setup. Pro DIGITAL technology allows the handheld to automatically recognize connected sensors, so there is no need to tell the instrument what is connected.
Optical Dissolved Oxygen (ODO) technology is non-consumptive, meaning oxygen is not consumed during the measurement. Flow dependence is non-existent and no stirring is required, resulting in the most accurate DO measurements available from a probe. The ODO sensor is not susceptible to interferences from other gases, drifts less and holds calibration longer than membrane covered sensors. Maintenance is a breeze with a simple, threaded optical cap that is good for at least two years.
The ProSolo Handheld features an easy-to-read color display, large capacity memory, intuitive interface, rechargeable battery, and powerful data management software (KorDSS) for powerful, yet convenient sampling experience. Great for surface water, groundwater, coastal/estuarine, aquaculture, and wastewater applications!