产品名称: 溶解氧仪
Pro20 在手持式溶解氧仪中提供您所需的一切。坚固、简单和可靠是仪器设计的基石。可用的传感器已通过 EPA 认证,可用于 BOD、CBOD 和 DO 的废水合规性报告。
Pro20 溶解氧仪
YSI Pro20溶解氧仪。这款溶解氧仪器的设计足够坚固,适合现场使用,也足够智能,适合实验室进行 BOD。
型号 55、Pro20 和 Pro20i 溶解氧仪比较
YSI 55 型手持式溶解氧仪是 YSI 客户中非常受欢迎的仪表。自从停产以来,我们推出了一些型号,以轻松取代Model 55,并带来更好的好处。将Model 55与其直接替代品YSI Pro20i进行了比较,并回顾了Pro20i的改进和功能。Pro20也经过了审查,尽管它与Pro20i和Model 55不同,它具有用户可更换的电缆。
美国YSI测量仪EcoSense pH100A概述
YSI Pro20 溶解氧仪是一款坚固耐用、用户友好的溶解氧测量仪器。Pro20 可以在实验室或现场使用,并且可以在几秒钟内从一个到另一个。
用户可更换的传感器和电缆以及方便的一键式Cal功能使其非常人性化。军用规格(军用规格)连接器、IP-67 防水和橡胶模制外壳以及 1 米跌落测试可确保仪器保持在您的手中,即使在**恶劣的现场条件下也能提供多年的采样。Pro20 的功能集在产品的整个生命周期内的总拥有成本较低。
极谱法或电化学溶解氧传感器的快速响应时间使您可以快速完成采样程序。Polarographic 传感器的长使用寿命可节省时间和金钱,并降低您的总体成本。电传感器使您能够立即开始采样,而无需预热。您为现场选择的任何一种传感器都将为您提供准确、优质的数据。
One Touch Cal 只需按一下按钮即可在 3 秒内完成校准
存储 50 个数据集
提供 1、4、10、20、30 或 100 米电缆
市场上**快的响应时间,使用标准膜可在 8 秒内实现 95% 的响应
3年期仪器;2 年电缆保修
实验室或现场 - Pro20 可满足您对氧气测量仪的任何需求。
订购 YSI Pro20 时,您必须单独订购仪器、电缆和溶解氧探头,以便选择**适合您应用的系统。
请访问 Pro20 套件页面,了解完全组装的系统。
The Pro20 provides everything you need in a handheld dissolved oxygen meter. Ruggedness, simplicity and reliability are the cornerstones of the instrument's design. Available sensors are EPA approved for wastewater compliance reporting of BOD, CBOD, and DO.
Instrument Only. Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately.
Pro20 Dissolved Oxygen Instrument
YSI Pro20 dissolved oxygen meter. This dissolved oxygen instrument is designed tough enough for the field and smart enough for the lab conducting BODs.
Model 55, Pro20, and Pro20i Dissolved Oxygen Meter Comparison
The YSI Model 55 dissolved oxygen handheld was an extremely popular meter for YSI customers. Since it's discontinuation we've launched a few models to easily replace the Model 55 with much better benefits. This video compares the Model 55 to its direct replacement - the YSI Pro20i - and reviews improvements and features of the Pro20i. The Pro20 is also reviewed, although it has a user-replaceable cable unlike the Pro20i and Model 55.
The YSI Pro20 dissolved oxygen meter is a rugged, user-friendly instrument for dissolved oxygen measurement. The Pro20 can be used in the lab or the field and can go from one to the other in seconds.
User-replaceable sensors and cables and convenient One Touch Cal feature makes it extremely user friendly. Mil-spec (military spec) connectors, IP-67 waterproof and rubber over molded case, and 1-meter drop tests ensure the instrument remains in your hands to provide years of sampling even in the harshest field conditions. The feature set of the Pro20 results in a low total cost of ownership over the life of the product.
Fast response times with the Polarographic or Galvanic dissolved oxygen sensors allow you to complete your sampling routine quickly. The long life of the Polarographic sensor saves time and money and reduces your overall cost. The Galvanic sensor enables you to start sampling immediately without a warm-up period. Either sensor you choose for the field will give you accurate, quality data.
Additional features include:
Internal barometer for highest accuracy
Choose field DO sensors (Polarographic or Galvanic) or lab BOD probe for BOD in wastewater
One Touch Cal calibrates within 3 seconds with the push of a button
Stores 50 data sets
Graphic, backlit display and glow in the dark keypad
Available with 1, 4, 10, 20, 30 or 100-meter cables
View display with polarized sunglasses on
Fastest response time on the market with 95% response in 8 seconds with standard membrane
Multiple languages include English, Spanish, French and German
User replaceable sensors and cables
3-year instrument; 2-year cable warranty
Lab or field - the Pro20 is ready for whatever you need when it comes to oxygen meters.
When ordering the YSI Pro20 you must order the instrument, cable, and dissolved oxygen probe separately, allowing you to choose the system that best fits your application.
YSI now offers an Extended Warranty for the Pro20 (new instruments only).
Please visit the Pro20 Kits page for fully assembled systems.
Check out the ProSolo if you're interested in an optical dissolved oxygen instrument.
The Pro20i is also available from YSI. Unlike the Pro20, the Pro20i features an integral (i.e. not user-replaceable) cable.
Please visit our extensive dissolved oxygen resource page to learn about all things DO and BOD related; www.YSI.com/weknowDO.
You can also download The Dissolved Oxygen Handbook covering all things DO related from technologies, to maintenance and calibrations, and acquiring the best data.