

YSI ProDSS(数字采样系统)手持式多参数仪表通过两种主要电缆选项提供了极大的灵活性。

货 号:HY6308

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


 产品名称: 多参数数字水质仪表






YSI ProDSS(数字采样系统)手持式多参数仪表通过两种主要电缆选项提供了极大的灵活性。在配备任意四个 DSS 传感器(有深度或无深度)的满载 4 端口电缆组件或ODO/CT探头和电缆之间进行选择 - 您每次都可以使用具有在线电导率的光学溶解氧传感器获得准确的 DO 测量值传感器,允许实时盐度补偿。 

想了解更多关于 ProDSS 的信息吗?我们的在线学习计划–ProDSS 按需培训– 免费使用并确保所有受训者都能轻松地使用 ProDSS 进入现场。我们希望在课堂上见到你!


YSI ProDSS 数字采样系统水质计

YSI ProDSS(数字采样系统)手持式多参数仪表为测量溶解氧、浊度、电导率、比电导率、盐度、电阻率、总溶解固体 (TDS)、pH、ORP、pH/ ORP 组合、铵(氨)、硝酸盐、氯化物和温度以及深度。


他们都在说什么?YSI ProDSS - 数字采样系统

YSI ProDSS(数字采样系统)是一种便携式水质多参数仪器,用于测量几个关键参数 - 溶解氧(光学)、总藻类、浊度、pH、ORP、电导率、比电导率、盐度、TDS、电阻率、TSS 、铵、氨、氯化物、硝酸盐、深度(可选)、温度和 GPS 坐标。

设计用于地表水、地下水、沿海/河口、水产养殖和废水等应用,坚固可靠的 ProDSS 允许使用数字传感器测量水质参数。ProDSS 水质仪表采用智能传感器技术,允许手持设备自动识别传感器,同时保留校准数据。

易于阅读的背光彩色显示屏、大内存容量、简单的校准程序、可充电电池和强大的数据管理程序 (KorDSS) 都有助于使您的采样体验更加方便。

可选的 GPS 和深度以及各种电缆和传感器(单独出售)允许对 ProDSS 进行完全定制。军用规格连接器、IP-67 防水等级、橡胶包覆成型外壳和 1 米跌落测试确保耐用性,即使在**恶劣的现场条件下也能提供多年的采样。


新的!- 总藻类-藻蓝蛋白
新的!- 总藻类-藻红蛋白

总溶解固体 (TDS)
总悬浮固体 (TSS)


ProDSS 水质计具有多种功能:

单根电缆设计,长度可达 100 米
4 端口电缆具有用户可更换的传感器;通用端口可以接受任何 4 个传感器;可选深度传感器(有深度和无深度)
ODO/CT 探头和电缆组件具有集成(内置)光学 DO 和电导率传感器;具有 2 年保修的坚固 ODO 传感器盖预安装在新组件上;提供带有 ODO/CT 组件和 ProDSS 手持设备的套件
具有广泛的站点列表和数据 ID 标签功能的大内存(>100,000 个数据集)
KorDSS 软件(包括在内)和 USB 移动连接器有助于数据管理
坚固的防水外壳(IP-67 等级),带有橡胶包覆成型和金属、军用规格 (MS) 电缆连接器以及坚固的钛传感器
3年仪器保修;2 年电缆保修(传感器保修有所不同)

我们不仅满足了客户对可以测量浊度的手持式仪器的需求,ProDSS 还可以测量深度(可选)以及 pH、ORP、光学 DO、电导率和 GPS 坐标(可选)。

“构建” ProDSS 仪器时有很多选择。除了 ProDSS 4 端口电缆和 ODO/CT 探头和电缆组件外,ProDSS 还可以与 YSI ProODO 传感器/电缆组件一起使用,以提供仅 DO 的仪器。它还能够使用ProOBOD 光学 BOD 探头在实验室中进行 BOD 测量。

ProDSS 是真正的现场仪器。钛智能传感器(4 端口电缆)可以在现场轻松更换,我们耐用的 MS(军用规格)锁定卡口式电缆连接器可确保快速连接电缆。坚固且防水 (IP-67) 的橡胶包覆成型仪器外壳可防止现场采样的需求。

一些传感器已 获得 EPA 批准 ,可用于报告饮用水和废水合规性报告。


注意:电导率/温度传感器 (626902)必须安装在 ProDSS 4 端口电缆中,以进行准确的温度补偿和测量除浊度和 TSS 之外的所有参数。

所有 ProDSS 仪器均包括可充电锂离子电池(预装)、手带、用于为 ProDSS 电池充电和连接 PC 的 USB 电缆、通用交流充电器、用于连接 USB 记忆棒的电缆、ProDSS 快速入门指南, 和包含 KorDSS 软件的 USB 记忆棒和用户手册的数字副本。

您是否想以旧仪表换购新 ProDSS 系统的折扣?查看  现在正在进行的Pro 系列以旧换新促销活动(仅限美国)。


Handheld multiparameter instrument with multiple cable options

The YSI ProDSS (digital sampling system) handheld multiparameter meter provides extreme flexibility with two main cable options. Choose between the fully loaded 4-port cable assembly outfitted with any four DSS sensors (with depth or no depth) or the ODO/CT probe and cable - where you get accurate DO measurements every time with an optical dissolved oxygen sensor with an inline conductivity sensor, allowing for real-time salinity compensation. 

Want to learn more about the ProDSS? Our online learning program – ProDSS On-Demand Training – is free to use and ensures all trainees are comfortable going into the field with the ProDSS. We hope to see you in class!

Instrument Only.  Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately.

YSI ProDSS Digital Sampling System Water Quality Meter

The YSI ProDSS (digital sampling system) handheld multiparameter meter provides extreme flexibility for the measurement of a variety of combinations for dissolved oxygen, turbidity, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature along with depth.

I really think you're hitting a home run with this instrument...
I have to say that I am increasingly impressed with every feature of the unit.
For spot sampling and profiling this is an excellent multiparameter instrument. The size and functionality knocks it out of the park for this kind of work compared to more cumbersome instruments.
What are they all talking about? The YSI ProDSS - digital sampling system

The YSI ProDSS (digital sampling system) is a portable water quality multiparameter instrument for the measurement of several critical parameters - dissolved oxygen (optical), total algae, turbidity, pH, ORP, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, TDS, resistivity, TSS, ammonium, ammonia, chloride, nitrate, depth (optional), temperature and GPS coordinates.

Designed for use in applications such as surface water, groundwater, coastal/estuarine, aquaculture, and wastewater, the rugged and reliable ProDSS allows for the measurement of water quality parameters with digital sensors. The ProDSS water quality meter uses smart sensor technology that allows sensors to be automatically recognized by the handheld while retaining calibration data.

An easy-to-read backlit color display, large memory capacity, simple calibration procedures, rechargeable battery and powerful data management program (KorDSS) all help to make your sampling experience more convenient.

The optional GPS and depth along with a wide range of cables and sensors (sold separately) allows for complete customization of the ProDSS. Military spec connectors, IP-67 waterproof rating, rubber over-molded case and 1-meter drop tests ensures durability to provide years of sampling even in the harshest field conditions.

Parameters Available:

Dissolved Oxygen (optical)
New! - Total Algae-Phycocyanin
New! - Total Algae-Phycoerythrin

Specific Conductance
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
Seawater Density
Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
GPS Coordinates
Barometric Pressure
There are multiple features of the ProDSS water quality meter:

Single cable design with lengths up to 100 meters
User-replaceable cables provide versatility, reduce down time and reduce overall cost of ownership
4 port cables feature user-replaceable sensors; universal ports can accept any 4 sensors; optional depth sensor available (with depth and no depth)
ODO/CT probe and cable assemblies feature integral (built-in) optical DO and conductivity sensors; rugged ODO sensor cap with 2-year warranty is pre-installed on new assemblies; kits with an ODO/CT assembly and a ProDSS handheld are available
Long-life rechargeable lithium-ion battery to power handheld and sensors
Color display and backlit keypad; menu-driven operation
Digital smart sensors are automatically recognized by the instrument and store calibration data
Large memory (>100,000 data sets) with extensive site list and Data ID tag capabilities
KorDSS software (included) and USB on-the-go connector assist with data management
Global positioning system (GPS) (optional)
Rugged, waterproof case (IP-67 rated) with rubber over-mold and metal, military-spec (MS) cable connectors as well as rugged titanium sensors
Multiple languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Norwegian, Chinese (simplified and traditional), Korean, and Thai
3 year instrument warranty; 2 year cable warranty (sensor warranties vary)

Not only have we answered our customers demands for a handheld instrument that can measure turbidity, the ProDSS can also measure depth (optional) in addition to pH, ORP, optical DO, conductivity, and GPS coordinates (optional).

There are many options when "building" a ProDSS instrument. In addition to the ProDSS 4 port cable and the ODO/CT probe and cable assembly, the ProDSS will also work with YSI ProODO sensor/cable assemblies to provide a DO only instrument. It's also capable of using the ProOBOD optical BOD probe for use in the lab for BOD measurements.

The ProDSS is a true field instrument. The titanium smart sensors (4 port cables) can easily be replaced in the field and our durable MS (Military Spec) locking bayonet-style cable connector ensures quick cable connection. A rugged and waterproof (IP-67) rubber over-molded instrument casing provides protection from the demands of field sampling.

Some sensors are EPA approved for drinking water and wastewater compliance reporting.

Cables and sensors are sold separately.

Note: A conductivity/temperature sensor (626902) must be installed in a ProDSS 4 port cable for accurate temperature compensation and measurement of all parameters except turbidity and TSS.

All ProDSS instruments include a rechargeable lithium-ion battery (pre-installed), hand strap, USB cable for charging the ProDSS battery and for connection to a PC, universal AC charger, cable for connection to a USB memory stick, ProDSS quick start guide, and USB memory stick containing KorDSS software and a digital copy of the user manual.

Do you have an old meter you'd like to trade in for a discount on a new ProDSS system? Check out the Pro Series Trade-In Promotion going on now (U.S. only).

恒仪商城(hinstr.cn) 河北恒仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有冀ICP备16029740号-1
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