产品名称: 多参数仪表 型号系列:ProQuatro 品牌:YSI 产地:美国 价格:**终成交价格需联系客服 ProQuatro 手持式多参数测量仪可测量溶解氧、电导率、比电导率、盐度、电阻率、总溶解固体 (TDS)、pH、ORP、pH/ORP 组合、铵(氨)、硝酸盐、氯化物和温度的各种组合。也是一个非常强大的 BOD、pH 和 ORP 实验室仪器。 EPA 批准用于饮用水和废水合规性报告。 仅限手持仪器。电缆、探头/传感器和附件单独出售。 从 Pro Plus 升级到 ProQuatro 的 5 个理由 自 2006 年以来,Professional Plus 为水质采样树立了行业标准,但我们该告别,走向未来了。现在,随着 2021 赛季的临近,我们很高兴将 YSI 专业系列产品线中的**新手持设备 ProQuatro 加冕为 Pro Plus 宝座的新继任者。 美国YSI多参数仪表ProQuatro概述阅读更多关于为什么应该从 Pro Plus 升级到 ProQuatro 的信息。ProQuatro 的设计考虑了4 端口 Quatro 电缆。将 4 个传感器组合在一根电缆上,以进行全面的多参数采样,以测量温度/电导率、DO 以及 pH、ORP、铵、氯化物或硝酸盐中的任何两个 ISE。将 ProQuatro 与 4 端口电缆配对,可打造出功能极其强大的手持式多参数水质仪器。 **艰难的 ProQuatro 仪表满足真正的现场工作的需求。该仪器由超坚固的组件制成,可承受恶劣的现场条件,即使没有打开电池盖,也能达到 IP-67 标准。其他坚固的功能包括 3 年保修、军用规格连接器、橡胶包覆成型外壳、防刮镜片和 2 年电缆保修。内部测试程序还包括从各个角度进行 1 米跌落测试,以确保预期的现场耐久性。 坚固耐用的现场耐用特性包括: 橡胶包覆成型 IP-67 防水外壳(即使没有电池盖)* 1 米全方位跌落测试* 3年仪器保修 2 年电缆保修* 坚固的电缆、传感器和军用规格连接器* 加权、用户可更换的多传感器设计 易于安装的电缆配重;可以菊花链式连接以增加重量* 防刮镜片;即使戴偏光眼镜也能看到 符合人体工程学的设计,单手即可轻松握持 仪表浮子 **聪明的 加上 On-The-Go USB 端口,ProQuatro 成为专业系列中**智能的仪器之一。只需连接闪存驱动器并直接在实验室或现场上传数据。许多好处包括以下功能;5,000 个数据集内存、背光显示屏、夜光键盘、带直观界面的图形显示屏、重新校准提示、用户定义字段、详细 GLP、自动稳定、保留所有读数功能、USB 连接、自动缓冲识别,以及用于记录数据的数据 ID。 智能功能包括: 5,000 个数据集内存 直观的界面 间隔或单事件记录 50 个数据 ID* 详细的 GLP 数据 用于简单数据管理的 On-The-Go USB 端口 USB 连接也为仪器供电 具有自动缓冲识别功能的 6 点校准* 用户可调节的自动稳定提示* 用户可通过防水 USB 端口升级软件 重新校准提示 搜索功能过滤用户自定义数据信息* 背光显示屏 夜光键盘 所有 4 到 30 米的电缆都包含电缆管理套件* **通用 ProQuatro 易于定制,是低成本水质采样的理想选择。将 ProQuatro 手持设备连接到任何专业系列电缆和探头选项,以获取参数选项,包括溶解氧、电导率、比电导率、盐度、电阻率、总溶解固体、pH、ORP、铵、硝酸盐、氯化物和温度。 电缆选项包括 1、4、10、20 和 30 米的选择(仅限 DO 电缆长达 100 米)和方便的电缆管理套件,使一切变得简单和井井有条。使用实验室或现场探头并在两者之间快速切换。ProQuatro 是一款理想的实验室 BOD 仪器,配备经过验证的自搅拌 BOD 探头(EPA 批准)。 可以在仪器的任一侧使用方便的手带。完整的配件系列还增加了 ProQuatro 的多功能性,有助于正确完成工作。配件包括手提箱、流通池、电缆配重、皮带夹、三脚架和 c 形夹。 添加的多功能性功能包括: 多个参数选项和电缆长度 多个用户可更换的传感器选项和 DO 传感器的选择* 实验室级 ISE 传感器和 BOD 探头可用于制作真正的实验室/现场仪器 可调节右手或左手带* 语言 - 英语、西班牙语、德语、法语、意大利语、挪威语、葡萄牙语、日语、中文(简体和繁体) 提供从流通池、肩带到手提箱等多种附件 购买 ProQuatro 时,您将收到仪器、手册、电池、USB 电缆和 USB 闪存驱动器。电缆和探头单独订购。 * 只有 YSI 在手持式仪器上提供的功能或优势。 美国YSI多参数仪表ProQuatro规格中文内容来自机器翻译,内容仅供参考,实际内容可参考原厂介绍或以合同为准。 英文原文: The ProQuatro handheld multiparameter meter measures a variety of combinations of dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature. Also a very powerful lab instrument for BODs, pH and ORP. EPA approved for drinking water and wastewater compliance reporting. Handheld instrument Only. Cables, probes/sensors, and accessories sold separately. 5 Reasons to Upgrade from Pro Plus to ProQuatro Since 2006, the Professional Plus has set the industry standard for water quality sampling, but the time has come for us to say farewell and move toward the future. Now, as the 2021 field season approaches, we are excited to crown the ProQuatro, YSI’s latest handheld in the Professional Series line, as the new successor to the Pro Plus throne. Overview Read more about why you should upgrade from Pro Plus to ProQuatro. The ProQuatro was designed with the 4-port Quatro cable in mind. Combine 4 sensors on a single cable for comprehensive multiparameter sampling to measure temperature/conductivity, DO, and any two ISEs among pH, ORP, ammonium, chloride, or nitrate. Pairing the ProQuatro with the 4-port cable creates an extremely powerful handheld multiparameter water quality instrument. Toughest The ProQuatro meter meets the demands of true field work. Made from ultra-rugged components to withstand harsh field conditions, the instrument is rated to IP-67 standards even without the battery cover on. Other tough features include a 3-year warranty, Mil-spec connectors, rubber over-molded case, scratch-resistant lens, and a 2-year cable warranty. In-house testing procedures also include 1-meter drop tests from all angles to ensure expected field-durability. Tough, Field Durability Features Include: Rubber, over-molded IP-67 waterproof case (even without the battery cover)* Drop-tested 1 meter at all angles* 3-year instrument warranty 2-year cable warranty* Rugged cables, sensors, and military-spec connectors* Weighted, user-replaceable multi-sensor design Easy-to-install cable weights; can be daisy-chained for additional weight* Scratch-resistant lens; viewable even with polarized glasses Ergonomic design is easy to hold with one hand Instrument floats Smartest With the addition of the On-The-Go USB port, ProQuatro is one of the smartest instruments in the Professional Series. Simply connect a flash drive and upload data directly in the lab or the field. Numerous benefits include the following features; 5,000 data-set memory, backlit display, glow-in-the-dark keypad, graphic display with intuitive interface, re-cal prompts, user defined fields, detailed GLP, auto stable, Hold All Readings function, USB connection, auto-buffer recognition, and Data IDs for logging data. Smart Features Include: 5,000 data set memory Intuitive interface Interval or single-event logging 50 Data IDs* Detailed GLP data On-The-Go USB port for simple data management USB connection also powers the instrument 6-point cal with auto-buffer recognition* User-adjustable auto-stable with prompts* User-upgradeable software via waterproof USB port Recalibration prompts Search function filters user-defined data information* Backlit display Glow-in-the-dark keypad Cable management kit included with all cables from 4- to 30-meters* Most Versatile ProQuatro is easily customized to be the ideal choice for low-cost water quality sampling. Connect the ProQuatro handheld to any Professional Series cable and probe option for parameter options including dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids, pH, ORP, ammonium, nitrate, chloride, and temperature. Cable options range from 1-, 4-, 10-, 20-, and 30-meter choices (up to 100-meters on DO only cables) and the convenient cable management kit to keep everything simple and organized. Use lab or field probes and switch between the two quickly. The ProQuatro makes an ideal lab BOD instrument with the proven self-stirring BOD probe (EPA Approved). A convenient handstrap can be used on either side of the instrument. A complete family of accessories also increase the versatility of the ProQuatro and help get the job done right. Choose among accessories including carrying cases, flow cells, cable weights, belt clip, tripod, and c-clamp. Added Versatility Features Include: Multiple parameter options and cable lengths Multiple user-replaceable sensor options and a choice of DO sensors* Lab-grade ISE sensors and BOD probe available to make a true lab/field instrument Adjustable right- or left-handed hand strap* Languages - English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Japanese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional) Wide array of accessories are available from flow cells, to shoulder straps, to carrying cases When purchasing the ProQuatro you will receive the instrument, manual, batteries, USB cable, and USB flash drive. Cables and probes are ordered separately. * feature or benefit only YSI offers on a handheld instrument. Specifications |