

DFX-8+数字超声波探伤仪测厚仪美国DAKOTA达高特精确的 TCXO 定时,单次 100 MHz 8 位超低功耗

货 号:HY7525

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365




测量模式:包括脉冲回波 (PE)、回波回波 (EE)、回波回波验证 (E-EV)、脉冲回波涂层 (PECT)、脉冲回波温度补偿 (PETP) 和仅涂层 (CT)模式,以解决各种应用程序。
存储多达 64 个自定义设置。

脉冲发生器:100 – 400 伏音爆。
增益:0 – 110 dB 范围。
滤波器:宽、0.5、1、2、5、10 和 15 MHz。
Blanview 阳光下可视 QVGA 显示屏(320×240 像素)。
PRF – 8Hz 至 2kHz,可调。
屏幕刷新率:60 Hz。
检测模式:Z-Cross、Flank & Peak。
模拟输出:1-10 伏。
串行输出:用于遥控器和 B-Scan 爬虫。
Wave Averaging:改进的分辨率和波形显示。

DAC:**多可输入 8 个点并用于以数字方式绘制 DAC 曲线。参考 -2、-6、-10、(-6/-12)、(-6/-14)、(-2/-6/-10) dB。幅度以 %DAC 或 dB 显示。
AWS:根据 AWS D1.1 结构焊接规范自动确定缺陷尺寸。
AVG/DGS:使用探针数据自动确定缺陷尺寸。存储多达 64 个自定义设置。
TCG:时间校正增益。50 dB 动态范围,每微秒 20 dB,曲线定义**多 8 个点。
测量模式:脉冲回波 (PE) 测量范围为 0.025 英寸至 100 英尺(0.63 毫米至 3048 厘米)。
自动界面闸门 – 自动调整界面闸门以进行浸水测试(水路)。

脉冲回波模式 (PE) –(凹坑和探伤检测)的测量范围为 0.025 英寸至 100 英尺(0.63 毫米至 3048 厘米)。
脉冲回波涂层模式——(材料、涂层、凹坑和缺陷检测):材料:0.025 英寸至 100 英尺(0.63 毫米至 3048 厘米)。涂层:0.001 至 0.100 英寸(0.01 至 2.54 毫米)。
脉冲回波温度补偿模式 (PETP) –(凹坑和缺陷检测)自动温度补偿 – 测量范围为 0.025 英寸至 100 英尺(0.63 毫米至 3048 厘米)。
Echo-Echo 模式 (EE) –(通过油漆和涂料)测量范围为 0.050 到 4.0 英寸(1.27 到 102 毫米)。会因涂层而异。
Echo-Echo Verify (E-EV) –(通过油漆和涂料)测量范围为 0.050 至 1.0 英寸(1.27 至 25.4 毫米)。会因涂层而异。
仅涂层模式 (CT) –(涂层厚度)测量范围为 0.0005 至 0.100 英寸(0.0127 至 2.54 毫米)。范围会因涂层而异 +/-。
每秒高达 50 个读数的高速扫描。
用于 QC 检查的内置差分模式。
64 种自定义设置配置。

尺寸:8.5W x 6.5H x 2.5D 英寸(216 x 165 x 70 毫米)。
重量:4.5 磅(2.04 公斤),含电池。
显示器:Blanview 阳光可读 QVGA TFT 彩色显示器(320 x 240 像素)。可视区域4.54 x 3.40 英寸(115.2 x 86.4 毫米)或 5.7 英寸(144.78 毫米)对角线。16 个调色板,多种颜色选项和可变亮度。
显示视图: 探伤仪:全波、+/- 整流或射频。测厚仪:数字、+/- 整流、RF 或 B 扫描。
定时:精确的 TCXO 定时,单次 100 MHz 8 位超低功耗数字化仪。
测量门:两个独立的门(缺陷)和三个门(厚度)。开始和宽度可在全范围内调节。幅度 5-95%,步长 1%。带有声音和视觉警报的每个门的正向或负向触发。
工作温度:14 至 140F(-10C 至 60C)。
环境:符合 IP65 要求。

增益:0 到 110dB,分辨率为 0.2dB。手动和AGC控制。
阻尼:50、75、100、300、600 和 1500 欧姆。
频段:宽带 1.8 – 19 MHz (-3dB)。0.5MHz、1MHz、2MHz、5MHz、10MHz、15MHz 的六个窄带。
水平线性度:+/- 0.4% FSW。
垂直线性度:+/- 1% FSH。
放大器线性度:+/- 1 dB。
幅度测量:0 到 100% FSH,分辨率为 1%。
延迟:0 – 999 英寸(25,375 毫米),钢速。


DFX-8+ Flaw Detector & Thickness Gauge
Thickness Gauge

Auto: probe zero, probe recognition, and temperature compensation.
Transducer Types:  Dual element, Single Contact & Delay line.
Measurement Modes: Includes pulse-echo (P-E), echo-echo (E-E), echo-echo verify (E-EV), pulse-echo coating (PECT), pulse-echo temperature compensation (PETP) & coating only (CT) modes to address a variety of applications.
Large data storage with multiple formats: Alpha numeric grid and sequential w/auto identifiers.
Store up to 64 custom setups.
3 independent gates.
Additional coating gauge feature.

Flaw Detector
Pulser: 100 – 400 volt tone burst.
Gain: 0 – 110 dB range.
Filters: Wide, .5, 1, 2, 5, 10 & 15 MHz.
Sizing Toolkits: DAC, AWS, TCG, DGS.
Blanview sunlight viewable QVGA display (320×240 pixels).
P.R.F. – 8Hz to 2kHz, adjustable.
Screen Refresh Rate: 60 Hz.
Detection Modes: Z-Cross, Flank & Peak.
Auto Interface Gate: Immersion testing.
Analog output: 1-10 volts.
Serial Output: For use with remote commander, and B-Scan crawler.
Wave Averaging:  Improved resolution and wave display.

TRIG: Trigonometric display of beam path, depth, surface distance, and curved surface correction. Used with angle beam transducers.
DAC: Up to 8 points may be entered and used to digitally draw a DAC curve. Reference -2, -6, -10, (-6/-12), (-6/-14), (-2/-6/-10) dB. Amplitude displayed in %DAC or dB.
AWS: Automatic defect sizing in accordance with AWS D1.1 structural welding code.
AVG/DGS: Automatic defect sizing using probe data. Stores up to 64 custom setups.
TCG: Time corrected gain. 50 dB dynamic range, 20 dB per microsecond, up to 8 points for curve definition.
Measurement Mode: Pulse-Echo (P-E) measures from 0.025 in to 100 ft. (0.63mm to 3048 cm).
Auto-Cal: Provides automatic calibration with two reference points.
Detection Modes: Zero Crossing, Flank and Peak.
Display Freeze: Hold current waveform on screen.
Peak Memory: For echo dynamic pattern determination.
Auto Interface Gate – Automatic adjustment of interface gate for immersion testing (water path).

Measurement Modes (Dual Element):
Pulse-Echo Mode (P-E) – (Pit & Flaw Detection) measures from 0.025 in to 100 ft. (0.63mm to 3048 cm).
Pulse-Echo Coating Mode – (Material, Coating, Pit & Flaw Detection): Material: 0.025 in to 100 ft. (0.63mm to 3048 cm). Coating: 0.001 to 0.100 inches (0.01 to 2.54 millimeters).
Pulse-Echo Temp Comp Mode (PETP) – (Pit & FlawDetection) Auto temperature compensation – measures from 0.025 in to 100 ft. (0.63 mm to 3048 cm).
Echo-Echo Mode (E-E) – (Thru Paint & Coatings) measures from 0.050 to 4.0 inches (1.27 to 102 millimeters). Will vary based on coating.
Echo-Echo Verify (E-EV) – (Thru Paint & Coatings) measures from 0.050 to 1.0 inches (1.27 to 25.4 millimeters). Will vary based on coating.
Coating Only Mode (CT) – (Coating Thickness) Measures from 0.0005 to 0.100 inches (0.0127 to 2.54 millimeters). Range will vary +/- depending on the coating.
One and two point calibration option for material and coating, or selection of basic material types.
Auto probe zero, recognition and temperature compensation.
High speed scan up to 50 readings per second.
Audible alarm with hi/lo limits.
Built-in differential mode for QC inspections.
64 custom setup configurations.


Size: 8.5W x 6.5H x 2.5D in (216 x 165 x 70mm).
Weight: 4.5 lbs (2.04 kgs), with batteries.
Case: Extruded aluminum body with nickel plated aluminum end caps (gasket sealed).
Display: Blanview sunlight readable QVGA TFT color display (320 x 240 pixels). Viewable area 4.54 x 3.40 in (115.2 x 86.4 mm), or 5.7 in (144.78 mm) diagonal. 16 color palette, multiple color options and variable
Screen Refresh Rate: 60Hz.
Display Views: Flaw Detector: Full wave, +/- Rectified, or RF. Thickness Gauge: Digits, +/- Rectified, RF, or B-Scan.
Timing: Precision TCXO timing with single shot 100 MHz 8 bit ultra low power digitizer.
Measurement Gates: Two independent gates (Flaw), and three gates (thickness). Start & width adjustable over full range. Amplitude 5-95%, 1% steps. Positive or negative triggering for each gate with audible and visual alarms.
Operating Temperature: 14 to 140F (-10C to 60C).
Environmental: Meets IP65 requirements.

Gain: 0 to 110dB with 0.2dB resolution. Manual and AGC control.
Damping: 50, 75, 100, 300, 600, & 1500 ohms.
Frequency Bands: Broadband 1.8 – 19 MHz (-3dB). Six narrow bands at 0.5MHz, 1MHz, 2MHz, 5MHz, 10MHz, 15MHz.
Horizontal Linearity: +/- 0.4% FSW.
Vertical Linearity: +/- 1% FSH.
Amplifier Linearity: +/- 1 dB.
Amplitude Measurement: 0 to 100% FSH, with 1% resolution.
Delay: 0 – 999in (25,375mm) at steel velocity.

恒仪商城(hinstr.cn) 河北恒仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有冀ICP备16029740号-1
咨询电话:400-877-8810 | 邮箱:pm#hinstr.cn (# 变成 @) | 地址:河北省保定市莲池区瑞兴路19号