

Barologger 5 使用基于空气而不是水压的压力算法,为 Levelogger 数据的气压补偿提供卓越的精度。

货 号:HY634

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Barologger 5 使用基于空气而不是水压的压力算法,为 Levelogger 数据的气压补偿提供卓越的精度。

Barologger 5 使用基于空气而不是水压的压力算法,提供卓越的精度。记录的气压信息对于帮助确定所监测含水层的气压滞后和/或气压效率也非常有用。

Barologger 5 以 psi、kPa 或 mbar 为单位记录大气压力。在补偿水下 Levelogger 5、Edge、Gold 或 Junior 数据时,Levelogger 软件可以识别 Levelogger 的类型并使用水下数据文件中的相同单位(例如英尺或米)进行补偿。这使得 Barologger 5 向后兼容。


  • 单眼光学接口——更易清洁、更耐刮擦
  • 增加内存:150,000组数据
  • Levelogger 软件中的数据补偿向导简化了气压补偿


  • 提高通信稳定性:单眼光学接口——更易于清洁、更耐刮擦
  • 增加内存:150,000组数据
  • 更坚固、更坚固的设计:双 O 形密封圈,增强泄漏保护
  • 更好的热敏电阻灵敏度:升级的铂 RTD
  • 在恶劣环境中提供卓越的保护:内外防腐耐磨涂层
  • 增强的 Levelogger 软件:改进的诊断实用程序,用于更主动的用户“自我测试”


  • 含水层表征:抽水试验、段塞试验等。
  • 流域、流域和补给监测
  • 流量测量、湖泊和水库管理
  • 港口和潮汐波动测量
  • 湿地和雨水径流监测
  • 供水和水箱液位测量
  • 矿井水和垃圾渗滤液管理
  • 井、地表水体和海水环境中的长期水位监测


The Barologger 5 uses pressure algorithms based on air rather than water pressure, giving superior accuracy. The recorded barometric information can also be very useful to help determine barometric lag and/or barometric efficiency of the monitored aquifer.

The Barologger 5 records atmospheric pressure in psi, kPa, or mbar. When compensating submerged Levelogger 5, Edge, Gold or Junior data, Levelogger Software can recognize the type of Levelogger and compensate using the same units found in the submerged data file (e.g. feet or meters). This makes the Barologger 5 backwards compatible.

Upgraded Features:
Increased stability for communication: single-eye optical interface—easier to clean, more scratch resistant
Increased memory: 150,000 sets of data
Stronger, more robust design: double o-ring seals for increased leakage protection
Better thermistor sensitivity: upgraded platinum RTD
Superior protection in harsh environments: corrosion and abrasion resistant coating—inside and out
Enhanced Levelogger Software: improved Diagnostic Utility for more proactive user “self-tests”

Ideal Applications for Leveloggers:
Aquifer characterization: pumping tests, slug tests, etc.
Watershed, drainage basin and recharge monitoring
Stream gauging, lake and reservoir management
Harbour and tidal fluctuation measurement
Wetlands and stormwater run-off monitoring
Water supply and tank level measurement
Mine water and landfill leachate management
Long-term water level monitoring in wells, surface water
bodies and seawater environments

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