加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 Levelogger 5 LTC(3001)

加拿大Solinst水位记录仪 Levelogger 5 LTC(3001)

Levelogger 5 LTC 在一个紧凑的包装中记录水位、温度和电导率,电池寿命长达 8 年,保修期长达 3 年。

货 号:HY683

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


型号: Levelogger 5 LTC 3001

Levelogger 5 LTC 在一个紧凑的包装中记录水位、温度和电导率,电池寿命长达 8 年,保修期长达 3 年。

Levelogger5 LTC记录水位、温度和电导率。它在一个 22 mm x 208 mm (7/8" x 8.2") 的小型防水外壳中结合了数据记录器、8 年电池、Hastelloy 压力传感器、温度检测器和电导率传感器。采用聚合技术的烘烤涂层可保护车身免受腐蚀、磨损和高温的影响。电导率传感器是 4 电极铂传感器,具有自动量程功能。维护**少的密封 Levelogger 5 LTC 易于清洁和校准,即使在现场也是如此。



  • 增加内存:10万组数据
  • 通讯更稳定:单眼光学,易清洁,更耐刮花
  • 更坚固、更坚固的设计:双 O 型圈密封,超过额定压力的两倍
  • 更好的热敏电阻和电导率灵敏度:升级的铂 RTD 和电导率传感器
  • 在恶劣条件下提供出色的保护:使用聚合的烘烤涂层——从里到外


软件校准和数据向导指导您完成电导率校准和气压补偿,确保数据集准确。数据向导还将电导率读数转换为比电导率 (@ 25ºC)。

Levelogger 软件允许您轻松编程您的偏好、下载数据并以图形或表格格式显示数据或导出到其他程序。实时查看选项允许即时查看实时电导率、水位和温度读数。

水平仪易于部署;使用直读电缆或电缆/绳索悬挂安装。Levelogger 5 LTC 使用 Solinst SDI-12 接口电缆兼容 SDI-12。

使用新的 Field Reader 5、DataGrabber 5 USB 数据传输设备或使用 Levelogger 5 应用程序界面和您的智能设备通过蓝牙® 在现场下载数据。将 Levelogger 5 LTC 与使用**新无线技术的 Solinst 遥测系统集成。


Levelogger 5 LTC 应用程序:

  • 盐水入侵和土壤盐渍化监测
  • 羽流修复监测和研究
  • 垃圾填埋场、矿山尾矿、废物处理储存场所等处的渗滤液监测
  • 农业和雨水径流监测
  • 为饮用水供应监测创建历史数据库
  • 示踪剂测试



可选的Biofoul Screen为 Levelogger 5 LTC 压力和电导率传感器在恶劣环境中提供额外保护。

长时间使用 Levelogger 5 LTC 时,压力传感器和/或电导率电池存在生物污染的风险,这可能会影响其读数。
Biofoul Screen旨在减少传感器上不必要的微生物、植物、藻类或生物体(如藤壶和贻贝)堆积。Biofoul Screen 由一个用铜线包裹的 Delrin 套管组成。滑到 Levelogger 5 LTC 的传感器端,通过压合将其固定到位。
利用铜的天然防污特性,Biofoul Screen 是一种经济实惠的选择,可延长 Levelogger 5 LTC 的部署时间。它减少了现场访问和清洁 Levelogger 所花费的时间,并通过确保准确的传感器测量来提高长期性能。

Levelogger 5 应用界面:
Solinst Levelogger 应用程序旨在通过您的智能设备与 Solinst 数据记录器进行通信。编程选项包括启动/停止、数据下载、线性和实时采样、未来启动/停止和 GPS 坐标。

Levelogger 5 应用程序界面使用蓝牙无线技术与运行 Solinst Levelogger 应用程序的智能设备连接。使用我们的 Levelogger 5 应用程序接口和 Solinst 直读电缆与井下 Levelogger 通信,并直接从现场通过电子邮件发送数据文件。

Levelogger 5 LTC参数:

液位传感器:    带有哈氏合金传感器的压阻硅
范围:    5、10、20、30、100 和 200 m
准确性:    ±0.05% 满量程
解决:    0.001% FS 至 0.0006% FS
计量单位:    cm, m, ft, psi, kPa, bar (ºC, ºF)
正常化:    自动温度补偿
温度补偿范围:    0ºC 至 50ºC
温度感应器:    铂电阻温度检测器 (RTD)
准确性:    ±0.05ºC
解决:    0.003ºC
电导率传感器:    4电极铂
全系列:    0 至 100,000 μS/cm
校准范围:    50 至 80,000 μS/cm
准确性:    ±1%:5,000 µS/cm – 80,000 µS/cm;大于 ±2% 或 15 µS/cm:50 µS/cm –5,000 µS/cm
解决:    ±0.1 μS/cm
温度补偿范围:    0ºC 至 50ºC
正常化:    比电导@ 25˚C
电池寿命:    8 年(每 5 分钟阅读 1 次)
时钟精度:    ±1 分钟/年(-20ºC 至 80ºC)
工作温度:    -20ºC 至 80ºC
**读数:    100,000组读数
记忆:    板岩或连续
沟通:    光纤高速:57,600 bps,带 USB
尺寸:    22 毫米 x 208 毫米(7/8" x 8.2")
重量:    197 克(6.95 盎司)
耐腐蚀性能:    使用聚合的烘烤涂层
润湿材料:    铂金、Delrin®、Viton®、316L 不锈钢、哈氏合金、经监管机构批准的无 PFAS PTFE(内外)
采样模式:    线性、事件和 用户可选择重复模式、未来开始、未来停止、实时视图
测量率:    2 秒到 99 小时
气压补偿:    软件向导和 Barologger 5

LTC 型号            满量程 (FS)                       准确性                                解决
M5、C80          5 米(16.4 英尺)            ± 0.3 厘米(0.010 英尺)    0.001% FS
M10、C80        10 米(32.8 英尺)          ± 0.5 厘米(0.016 英尺)    0.0006% FS
M20、C80        20 米(65.6 英尺)          ± 1 厘米(0.032 英尺)       0.0006% FS
M30、C80        30 米(98.4 英尺)          ± 1.5 厘米(0.064 英尺)    0.0006% FS
M100、C80     100 米(328.1 英尺)        ± 5 厘米(0.164 英尺)      0.0006% FS
M200、C80     200 米(656.2 英尺)        ± 10 厘米(0.328 英尺)    0.0006% FS


Level, Temperature, Conductivity:
The Levelogger5 LTC logs water level, temperature, and conductivity. It combines a datalogger, 8-year battery, Hastelloy pressure sensor, temperature detector, and conductivity sensor within a small waterproof housing, 22 mm x 208 mm (7/8" x 8.2"). A baked-on coating using polymerization technology protects the body against corrosion, abrasion and high temperatures. The conductivity sensor is a 4-electrode platinum sensor, with autoranging capabilities. The minimal-maintenance, sealed Levelogger 5 LTC is simple to clean and calibrate, even in the field.


Upgraded Features:
Increased memory: 100,000 sets of data
More stable communication: single-eye optical, easy to clean, more scratch resistant
Stronger, robust design: double o-ring seals for two times over pressurization rating
Better thermistor and conductivity sensitivity: upgraded platinum RTD and conductivity sensor
Superior protection in harsh conditions: baked-on coating using polymerization—inside and out

Level Sensor:    Piezoresistive Silicon with Hastelloy Sensor
Ranges:    5, 10, 20, 30, 100, and 200 m
Accuracy:    ±0.05% FS
Resolution:    0.001% FS to 0.0006% FS
Units of Measure:    cm, m, ft, psi, kPa, bar (ºC, ºF)
Normalization:    Automatic Temperature Compensation
Temp Compensation Range:    0ºC to 50ºC
Temperature Sensor:    Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Accuracy:    ±0.05ºC
Resolution:    0.003ºC
Conductivity Sensor:    4-Electrode Platinum
Full Range:    0 to 100,000 μS/cm
Calibrated Range:    50 to 80,000 μS/cm
Accuracy:    ±1%: 5,000 µS/cm – 80,000 µS/cm; greater of ±2% or 15 µS/cm: 50 µS/cm –5,000 µS/cm
Resolution:    ±0.1 μS/cm
Temp Compensation Range:    0ºC to 50ºC
Normalization:    Specific Conductance @ 25˚C
Battery Life:    8 Years (1 reading every 5 minutes)
Clock Accuracy:    ±1 minute/year (-20ºC to 80ºC)
Operating Temperature:    -20ºC to 80ºC
Maximum Readings:    100,000 sets of readings
Memory:    Slate or Continuous
Communication:    Optical high-speed: 57,600 bps with USB
Size:    22 mm x 208 mm (7/8" x 8.2")
Weight:    197 grams (6.95 oz)
Corrosion Resistance:    Baked-on coating using polymerization
Wetted Materials:    Platinum, Delrin®, Viton®, 316L Stainless Steel, Hastelloy, Regulator approved PFAS-free PTFE (inside and out)
Sampling Mode:    Linear, Event & User-Selectable with Repeat Mode, Future Start, Future Stop, Real-Time View
Measurement Rates:    2 seconds to 99 hours
Barometric Compensation:    Software Wizard and Barologger 5

LTC Models    Full Scale (FS)    Accuracy        Resolution
M5, C80        5 m (16.4 ft.)    ± 0.3 cm (0.010 ft.)    0.001% FS
M10, C80        10 m (32.8 ft.)    ± 0.5 cm (0.016 ft.)    0.0006% FS
M20, C80        20 m (65.6 ft.)    ± 1 cm (0.032 ft.)    0.0006% FS
M30, C80        30 m (98.4 ft.)    ± 1.5 cm (0.064 ft.)    0.0006% FS
M100, C80    100 m (328.1 ft.)    ± 5 cm (0.164 ft.)    0.0006% FS
M200, C80    200 m (656.2 ft.)    ± 10 cm (0.328 ft.)    0.0006% FS

User-Friendly Operation:
Software Calibration and Data Wizards guide you through conductivity calibration and barometric compensation, ensuring accurate data sets. The Data Wizard also converts conductivity readings to Specific Conductance (@ 25ºC).

Levelogger Software allows you to easily program your preferences, download data, and display data in a graph or table format or export to other programs. The Real Time View option allows immediate viewing of live conductivity, water level and temperature readings.

Leveloggers are easy to deploy; install with direct read cables or wireline/cord suspension. The Levelogger 5 LTC is SDI-12 compatible using the Solinst SDI-12 Interface Cable.

Download data in the field using the new Field Reader 5, DataGrabber 5 USB data transfer device, or through Bluetooth® using the Levelogger 5 App Interface and your smart device. Integrate the Levelogger 5 LTC with Solinst Telemetry Systems, which use the latest wireless technologies.


Levelogger 5 LTC Applications:
Salt water intrusion and soil salination monitoring
Plume remediation monitoring and studies
Leachate monitoring at landfills, mine tailings, waste disposal storage sites, and more
Agricultural and stormwater runoff monitoring
Create a historical database for potable water supply monitoring
Tracer tests

Biofoul Screen:
An optional Biofoul Screen provides extra protection for the Levelogger 5 LTC pressure and conductivity sensors in harsh environments.

When a Levelogger 5 LTC is deployed for an extended period, there is the risk of biofouling on the pressure sensor and/or conductivity cell, which can compromise their readings.

The Biofoul Screen is designed to reduce the unwanted buildup of microorganisms, plants, algae, or organisms such as barnacles and mussels, on the sensors. The Biofoul Screen consists of a Delrin sleeve wrapped with copper wire. Slip onto the sensor end of a Levelogger 5 LTC, where it is held in place by compression fit.

Using the natural anti-fouling characteristics of copper, the Biofoul Screen is an affordable option to lengthen the time a Levelogger 5 LTC can be deployed. It reduces site visits and time spent cleaning Leveloggers, and improves long-term performance by ensuring accurate sensor measurements.


Levelogger 5 App Interface:
The Solinst Levelogger App is designed to communicate to Solinst dataloggers via your smart device. Programming options include start/stop, data downloading, linear and real-time sampling, future start/stop, and GPS coordinates.

The Levelogger 5 App Interface uses Bluetooth wireless technology to connect with your smart device running the Solinst Levelogger App. Use our Levelogger 5 App Interface and a Solinst direct read cable to communicate to a downhole Levelogger and email data files right from the field (see Model 3001 Solinst Levelogger 5 App Interface data sheets).

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