3001水位记录仪Levelogger 5记录高度准确的地下水和地表水位和温度测量值。它结合了压力传感器、温度检测器、10 年锂电池
和数据记录器,密封在 22 mm x 160 mm (7/8" x 6.3") 不锈钢外壳内,并带有使用聚合技术烘烤的耐腐蚀涂层。
Levelogger 5 使用 Hastelloy® 压力传感器测量绝对压力,提供高分辨率和 0.05% FS 的精度。读数在极端压力和温度条件下保持稳定。哈氏合金传感器可以承受 2 倍的过压而不会造成永久性损坏。结合内外耐用的涂层,Levelogger 5 在恶劣环境中具有很高的耐腐蚀性和耐磨性。
Levelogger 5 采用法拉第笼式设计,可防止雷电引起的电涌或电尖峰。其耐用的免维护设计、高精度和稳定性,使 Levelogger 5 成为长期、连续水位记录的**可靠仪器。
- 提高通信稳定性:单眼光学接口——更易于清洁、更耐刮擦
- 增加内存:150,000组数据
- 更坚固、更坚固的设计:双 O 形密封圈,增强泄漏保护
- 更好的热敏电阻灵敏度:升级的铂 RTD
- 在恶劣环境中提供卓越的保护:内外防腐耐磨涂层
- 增强的 Levelogger 软件:改进的诊断实用程序,用于更主动的用户“自我测试”
Levelogger 5 具有平滑的单眼光学接口,可轻松清洁并实现更可靠、更快速的通信。使用 Solinst USB 设备,包括新的 Field Reader 5 和 Levelogger PC 软件,编程和数据下载速度为 57,600 bps。
Levelogger 软件经过简化,可轻松对数据记录器进行编程,以及在办公室或现场查看和补偿数据。数据补偿变得简单;可以一次对多个数据文件进行气压补偿。
现场 Levelogger 上的Levelogger 5 应用程序界面在您的数据记录器和智能设备上的 Solinst Levelogger 应用程序之间创建蓝牙连接。Solinst 读数单元 (SRU)连接到您部署的Leveloggers,以显示和保存自动气压补偿的实时水位读数。DataGrabber 5也是一个选项,它是现场就绪的 USB 数据传输单元。
远程监控选项包括LevelSender 5,一种简单而紧凑的设备,适合 2" 井、STS 遥测系统和RRL 远程无线电链路。此外,Levelogger 5 系列数据记录器与 SDI-12 兼容。
- 含水层表征:抽水试验、段塞试验等。
- 流域、流域和补给监测
- 流量测量、湖泊和水库管理
- 港口和潮汐波动测量
- 湿地和雨水径流监测
- 供水和水箱液位测量
- 矿井水和垃圾渗滤液管理
- 井、地表水体和海水环境中的长期水位监测
Levelogger 5 水位数据记录仪参数:
- 液位传感器:带有哈氏合金传感器的压阻硅
- 准确性:± 0.05% FS(气压计 5:± 0.05 kPa)
- 读数的稳定性::优越,低噪音
- 解决:0.002% FS 至 0.0006% FS
- 计量单位:m, cm, ft., psi, kPa, bar, ºC。ºF(气压计 5:psi、kPa、mbar、ºC、ºF)
- 正常化:自动温度补偿
- 温度。比较。范围:0º 至 50ºC(气压计 5:-10 至 +50ºC)
- 温度感应器:铂电阻温度检测器 (RTD)
- 温度。传感器精度:± 0.05ºC
- 温度。传感器分辨率:0.003°C
- 电池寿命:10 年 - 基于 1 个读数/分钟
- 时钟精度:± 1 分钟/年(-20ºC 至 80ºC)
- 工作温度:-20ºC 至 80ºC
- ** # 读数:150,000组读数
- 记忆模式:板岩和连续
- 沟通:光纤高速:USB、SDI-12
- 57,600 bps,带 USB
- 尺寸:22 毫米 x 160 毫米(7/8" x 6.3")
- 重量:146 克(5.2 盎司)
- 耐腐蚀性能:使用聚合技术的烘烤涂层
- (内外)
- 其他接液材料:Delrin®、Viton®、316L 不锈钢、哈氏合金、
- 不含 PFAS 的 PTFE 涂层
- 采样模式:具有重复模式、未来开始、未来停止、实时视图的线性、事件和用户可选
- 测量率:1/8 秒至 99 小时
- 气压补偿:本地软件向导和一台 Barologger 5(约 30 公里/20 英里半径)
楷模 满量程 (FS) 准确性 解决
气压计 仅空气 ± 0.05 千帕 0.002% FS
M5 5 米(16.4 英尺) ± 0.3 厘米(0.010 英尺) 0.001% FS
M10 10 米(32.8 英尺) ± 0.5 厘米(0.016 英尺) 0.0006% FS
M20 20 米(65.6 英尺) ± 1 厘米(0.032 英尺) 0.0006% FS
M30 30 米(98.4 英尺) ± 1.5 厘米(0.064 英尺) 0.0006% FS
M100 100 米(328.1 英尺) ± 5 厘米(0.164 英尺) 0.0006% FS
M200 200 米(656.2 英尺) ± 10 厘米(0.328 英尺) 0.0006% FS
The Levelogger 5 records highly accurate groundwater and surface water level and temperature measurements. It combines a pressure sensor, temperature detector, 10-year lithium battery,
and datalogger, sealed within a 22 mm x 160 mm (7/8" x 6.3") stainless steel housing with a corrosion-resistant coating baked-on using polymerization technology.
The Levelogger 5 measures absolute pressure using a Hastelloy pressure sensor, offering high resolution and an accuracy of 0.05% FS. Readings are stable in extreme pressure and temperature conditions. The Hastelloy sensor can withstand 2 times over-pressure without permanent damage. Combined with the durable coating inside and out, the Levelogger 5 has high corrosion and abrasion resistance in harsh environments.
The Levelogger 5 uses a Faraday cage design, which protects against power surges or electrical spikes caused by lightning. Its durable maintenance-free design, high accuracy and stability, make the Levelogger 5 the most reliable instrument for long-term, continuous water level recording.
Upgraded Features:
Increased stability for communication: single-eye optical interface—easier to clean, more scratch resistant
Increased memory: 150,000 sets of data
Stronger, more robust design: double o-ring seals for increased leakage protection
Better thermistor sensitivity: upgraded platinum RTD
Superior protection in harsh environments: corrosion and abrasion resistant coating—inside and out
Enhanced Levelogger Software: improved Diagnostic Utility for more proactive user “self-tests”
The Levelogger 5 features a smooth, single-eye optical interface, which allows for easy cleaning and more reliable, faster communication. Using a Solinst USB device, including the new Field Reader 5, and Levelogger PC Software, programming and data downloading speeds are 57,600 bps.
Flexible Communication:
Levelogger Software is streamlined, making it easy to program dataloggers, and view and compensate data in the office or the field. Data compensation is made simple; multiple data files can be barometrically compensated at once.
The Levelogger 5 App Interface on your in-field Leveloggers creates a Bluetooth® connection between your dataloggers and the Solinst Levelogger App on your smart device. The Solinst Readout Unit (SRU) connects to your deployed Leveloggers to display and save real-time water level readings that are automatically barometrically compensated. Also an option, the DataGrabber 5 is a field-ready USB data transfer unit.
Remote monitoring options include the LevelSender 5, a simple and compact device that fits right in a 2" well, STS Telemetry Systems, and the RRL Remote Radio Link. In addition, Levelogger 5 Series dataloggers are SDI-12 compatible.
Ideal Applications for Leveloggers:
Aquifer characterization: pumping tests, slug tests, etc.
Watershed, drainage basin and recharge monitoring
Stream gauging, lake and reservoir management
Harbour and tidal fluctuation measurement
Wetlands and stormwater run-off monitoring
Water supply and tank level measurement
Mine water and landfill leachate management
Long-term water level monitoring in wells, surface water
bodies and seawater environments
Levelogger 5 Water Level Datalogger:
Level Sensor: Piezoresistive Silicon with Hastelloy Sensor
Accuracy: ± 0.05% FS (Barologger 5: ± 0.05 kPa)
Stability of Readings: Superior, low noise
Resolution: 0.002% FS to 0.0006% FS
Units of Measure: m, cm, ft., psi, kPa, bar, ºC. ºF (Barologger 5: psi, kPa, mbar, ºC, ºF)
Normalization: Automatic Temperature Compensation
Temp. Comp. Range: 0º to 50ºC (Barologger 5: -10 to +50ºC)
Temperature Sensor: Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Temp. Sensor Accuracy: ± 0.05ºC
Temp. Sensor Resolution: 0.003°C
Battery Life: 10 Years - based on 1 reading/minute
Clock Accuracy: ± 1 minute/year (-20ºC to 80ºC)
Operating Temperature: -20ºC to 80ºC
Maximum # Readings: 150,000 sets of readings
Memory Mode: Slate and Continuous
Communication: Optical high-speed: USB, SDI-12
57,600 bps with USB
Size: 22 mm x 160 mm (7/8" x 6.3")
Weight: 146 grams (5.2 oz)
Corrosion Resistance: Baked-on coating using polymerization
technology (inside and out)
Other Wetted Materials: Delrin®, Viton®, 316L stainless steel, Hastelloy,
PFAS-free PTFE coating
Sampling Modes: Linear, Event & User-Selectable with Repeat Mode, Future Start, Future Stop, Real-Time View
Measurement Rates: 1/8 sec to 99 hrs
Barometric Compensation: Software Wizard and one Barologger 5 in local area (approx. 30 km/20 miles radius)
Models Full Scale (FS) Accuracy Resolution
Barologger Air only ± 0.05 kPa 0.002% FS
M5 5 m (16.4 ft.) ± 0.3 cm (0.010 ft.) 0.001% FS
M10 10 m (32.8 ft.) ± 0.5 cm (0.016 ft.) 0.0006% FS
M20 20 m (65.6 ft.) ± 1 cm (0.032 ft.) 0.0006% FS
M30 30 m (98.4 ft.) ± 1.5 cm (0.064 ft.) 0.0006% FS
M100 100 m (328.1 ft.) ± 5 cm (0.164 ft.) 0.0006% FS
M200 200 m (656.2 ft.) ± 10 cm (0.328 ft.) 0.0006% FS