德国SARAD氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout

德国SARAD氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout

氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout基于扩散式测量室,可同时测量氡(222 Rn)和钍(220 Rn)的活度浓度。

货 号:HY1182

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


型号:Thoron Scout

氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout介绍:

  • 氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout基于扩散式测量室,可同时测量氡(222 Rn)和钍气(220 Rn)的活度浓度。
  • 通过放置在氡气钍气测量仪Thoron Scout外壳外部的高渗透性腔室实现所需的快速采样空气交换率。使用这种设置达到的相对钍气灵敏度与基于泵的仪器相当。
  • 氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout改进的测量室来自 Radon Scout,而电子设备来自 RTM 1688-2。这意味着,可以存储超过 2000 条数据记录,包括完整的 alpha 光谱。当然,还集成了气压、温度和湿度传感器。
  • 与氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout可更换电池允许大约一个月的自主运行。可以通过主电源操作该装置,从而获得无限的采样周期。
  • 氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout开关输出可用于警报目的或控制通风设备。

氡气钍测量仪Thoron Scout参数:


Thoron Scout :: Radon & thoron measurements

Based on a diffusion type measurement chamber, the instrument allows the simultaneous measurement of activity concentration of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn).

The required fast exchange rate of sampled air is realized by a highly permeable chamber placed outside of the instruments enclosure. The relative thoron sensitivity reached with this setup is comparable with those of pump based instruments.

The modified measurement chamber has been derived from the Radon Scout while the electronics comes from the RTM 1688-2. That means, more than 2000 data records including a complete alpha spectrum can be stored. Of course, sensors for barometric pressure, temperature and humidity are integrated as well.

The Thoron Scout offers a larger display compared with the Radon Scout. The replaceable batteries allow an autonomous operation of approximately one month. It is possible to operate the unit by mains power resulting in unlimited sampling periods.

A switch output can be used for alert purposes or to control ventilation equipment.

The instrument comes with a DAkkS compliant calibration certificate. The calibration process for Radon (Rn-222) fulfills the requirements of the DIN ISO/IEC EN 17025:2018.

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