型号:RTM 1688-2
便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2介绍:
- 便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2可存储2047笔测量数据,单键可选择更换测量周期!
- 便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2是一款真正意义上的通用型氡/钍测量仪,可进行所有氡测量相关项目。 具有高灵敏及α能谱分析功能特性,低水平氡浓度下快速响应,并且即时得出钍浓度。
- 便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2的“sniffing”模式用于搜索氡输入路径;内置抽气泵,可直接进行土壤氡采样及水氡的测量。
- 单键操作,直连打印机提供现场打印。
- 便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2可直接连接modem进行远程数据传输,我们提供有 Radon Vision 软件用于建立连接,操作十分简便。
- 便携式氡气钍气测量仪RTM 1688-2独特测量腔室设计对湿度反应不灵敏 – 完全无需使用干燥管。
- 值得特别注意的是,在便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2中,每个测量周期的数据都包含有各自完整的α能谱记录。 利用Radon Vision软件可以选取任意时间段,进而显示这一时间段内的能谱记录。 此项加强功能,可以用来判定每个周期内测量数据的正确性,以及对于测量环境中的动态变化进行能谱分析; 数据下载无需暂停当前测量,可任意设置测量序列的数量。
- 此外特别提出的是便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2的腔室体积只有250 ml,由于小体积的采样腔室设计, 从而对于有限的样品,可以进行有效的测量。
- 便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2使用主电源适配器或内部电池供电,电池可连续操作时间长达14天。
- 另外,便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2内置温度、湿度、大气压力感应器,以及用于记录测量时仪器位置变动的位移感应器。
便携式氡气钍测量仪RTM 1688-2参数:
RTM 1688-2 : Radon and thoron monitor
New: MODBUS RTU protocol implemented
The RTM 1688-2 is a versatile radon and thoron monitor covering the complete field of radon measuring. Its high sensitivity combined with its spectroscopic measuring method allow for fastest measuring even of low concentrations of radon. At the same time the concentration of thoron can be quantified.
Radon entry paths can be discovered by the “sniffing mode”. Soil gas sampling as well as radon in water measurements are simple because of the built in pump.
The operation of the radon/thoron monitor is realised by only one button. A serial printer may be connected to the interface of the RTM 1688-2 to present a protocol directly on site.
The radon/thoron monitor can be directly connected to a modem for remote data transmission. The Radon Vision software (included in delivery) handles the remote connection as simply as a direct cable link.
The measurement chamber is not sensitive against humidity variations; a drying tube, commonly used in such instrument types, is not required.
Special attention was paid for the issue of quality assurance. Each stored data record contains a complete alpha spectrum which shows the error-free operation of the instrument for each single integration interval. Any number of measurement series may be created by starting/stopping the data acquisition. The data stored within the instrument can be read by PC even if a measurement is in progress.
The small chamber volume of only 250 ml must be pointed out. The measurement of probes taken from small and limited volumes is possible due to this property.
The radon/thoron monitor RTM 1688-2 can be powered either by a mains power adapter or by the internal battery which gives an autonomous operation time up to 14 days.
The instrument is equipped with sensors for temperature, humidity and barometric pressure. An integrated tilt detector will give a signal if the radon/thoron monitor has been removed from its original position during the measurement.
The instrument comes with a DAkkS compliant calibration certificate. The calibration process fulfills the requirements of the DIN ISO/IEC EN 17025:2018.