德国SARAD氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO

德国SARAD氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO

氡/钍子体个人剂量仪DOSEMan Pro是作为一款个人剂量仪而开发,可准确测量空气中短寿命氡子体对人体产生的照射量, 该项目**初由德国联邦辐射防护委员会(BFS)发起,同时他也可以用来连续测量氡/钍子体浓度。

货 号:HY1188

保 障:免运费正规发票7天退换货质保365


型号:DOSEman PRO

氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO介绍:

  • 氡/钍子体个人剂量仪DOSEMan Pro是作为一款个人剂量仪而开发,可准确测量空气中短寿命氡子体对人体产生的照射量, 该项目**初由德国联邦辐射防护委员会(BFS)发起,同时他也可以用来连续测量氡/钍子体浓度。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO与氡钍测量仪(RTM1688-2)联合使用, 可构成目前市场上性价比**的平衡因子测量系统。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO的规格和重量均经过特别设计,确保佩戴者工作活动的灵活性,内置充电电池可连续使用超过40小时。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO配有优化的采样孔径,除了按月更换滤膜(在正常灰尘环境中连续工作),完全无需其他维护工作。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO的面板可显示Alpha潜能照射量 (PAEE)、当量剂量、当前浓度水平、Alpha潜能浓度(PAEC)以及氡子体 (EEC)浓度; 剂量转换系数可由用户自己设定;剂量值超过阈值,仪器自动报警。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO具有防止误操作功能,并配备多个编码功能,针对测量数据的相关个人或地点进行编码。
  • 按时间分布的氡子体浓度可在仪器中长期存储,亦可通过红外接口上传至PC,需要特制的USB红外接口适配器。
  • 氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO配备**新的Radon Vision软件。

氡气钍子体浓度测量仪DOSEman PRO参数:


DOSEman PRO : Radon daughter product dosimeter

The development of the radon daughter product dosimeter was initiated by the German Federal Office of Radiation Protection (BfS). The instrument is also qualified for the continuous measurement of radon progeny concentration.

In combination with a radon monitor (like RTM 1688-2), an inexpensive system for Equilibrium Factor measurements is offered.

Dimensions and weight were designed to ensure the mobility of the wearer of the radon daughter product dosimeter. The internal rechargeable battery allows an autonomous operation of more than 40 hours. Due to the optimised sampling head, no other maintenance is required than a monthly filter replacement (continuous operation at normal dust pollution).

The display of the radon daughter product dosimeter can be toggled between the “Potential Alpha Energy Exposure (PAEE)”, the equivalent dose and the actual concentration levels, PAEC as well as “Equilibrium Equivalent Radon Concentration (EEC)”. The dose calculation is based on a user defined dose conversion coefficient. If the dose value exceeds an adjustable threshold, an audible alert will be activated.

The radon daughter product dosimeter is tamper-proof. Several programmable codes are provided to assign the acquired data to a person or location later on.

The time distribution of the radon daughter product concentration is stored in a non-volatile memory and can be transferred to a PC by the infrared interface. A special infrared adapter with USB connection is required.

The radon daughter product dosimeter will be shipped with the current version of the Radon Vision software.

恒仪商城(hinstr.cn) 河北恒仪电子科技有限公司 版权所有冀ICP备16029740号-1
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