- 个人放射性气溶胶在线剂量仪poCAMon (personal online Continuous Air Monitor),适用于环保,应急灾害发生现场人员的个人防护。针对国际标准DIN ISO 16639 (VDE 0493-1-6639),所标注的核设施防护标准进行设计。通过成熟的阿尔法能谱测量与分析技术,该仪器可同时测量长效性的放射性核素与短半衰期的天然氡钍子体以及Beta计数。
- 个人放射性气溶胶在线剂量仪poCAMon独有的动态能谱峰拟合补偿技术,实现了在不同放射性气溶胶(天然铀系气溶胶)粒径以及不同滤膜负载的情况下,自动输出剂量结果。
- 个人放射性气溶胶在线剂量仪poCAMon设计紧凑,同时兼顾大流量采样,电池驱动长时间测量。带背光液晶显示屏,薄膜按钮适应使用者各种环境工况下操作读取。快速充电电路实现2小时快速充满。
- 个人放射性气溶胶在线剂量仪poCAMon可选配置还包括内置一氧化碳或者其他可燃性气体探测器。通过声光报警,及时提醒使用者,环境浓度接近危险值。内置的无线通讯模块,可将测量数据实时发送回中央控制单位。可选内置GPS定位模块,每笔测量数据与该测量点位置信息相结合。
- 个人放射性气溶胶在线剂量仪poCAMon基于SARAD自主开发的DACM系统主板,预留各种输入输出端口,易于集成入客户自定义控制系统。
poCAMon :: Personal Continuous Air Monitor (CAM)
The poCAMon personal online continuous air monitor combines a very compact design with a high flow rate and long battery life. The unit measures long living aerosols as well as short living Radon daughters by alpha spectroscopy and beta counting. In a radon atmosphere, the instrument can be used as Working Level monitor.
The instrument recognises if only natural Uranium aerosols have been collected and adjusts the related dose coefficients automatically. The continuous peak shape adaption results in an accurate natural background compensatione independent on filter exhaustion and particle size.
A bright alpha numeric display and the clear keypad allow the operation even under harsh conditions.
The integrated powerful charger recharges the unit within two hours.
There are sensor options for Carbone monoxide and combustible gases as needed in underground mines. Optical and acoustic alerts will warn the user immediately in case of dangerous situations. For first responders, an optional wireless interface (Net Monitors by ZigBee) allows the officer-in-charge to receive the data online from the action forces. The instrument can be ordered also with a GPS receiver.
Because the unit is based on our DACM platform, the whole functionality of that system is available for the user (communication paths, configuration of measurement cycles, configuration etc.).