- 手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM用于测量空气中长寿命α和β衰变核素(LLRD)照射下导致的吸入剂量。
- 手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM通过内置采样泵,气溶胶被收集在滤膜表面,所收集的放射性经半导体探测器后随即进行α能谱及β总计数分析。
- 天然氡子体的影响将被完全补偿。通过使用专业的滤膜分析模式,手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM可在无需任何其他外设的情况下实现剂量的精确测量;MyRIAM的小型滤膜(直径17.5mm)可以轻松归档保存。
- 手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM轻便的设计(仅300g)可以将其佩戴在身上而完全不影响身体的灵活性;采样头、电池和电子器件部分均集成于金属外壳内,整体尺寸与手机相当;同时,它也完全不需要其他额外的线缆或导管。
- 对于危险级别剂量,手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM可在60秒内探测到,并发出声光报警;背光灯显示器显示当前剂量(μSv或mrem)及总计数;内置充电电池可连续工作24小时,充电时间仅需1小时。除了电池充电和按月更换滤膜,无需其他维护。
- 内置数据存储器可保存按时间分布的剂量曲线,PC与手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM之间采用红外线数据通讯。
- 手持式气溶胶个人剂量仪MyRIAM配备数据传输及分析软件。
MyRIAM : Personal dosimeter for inhalation dose
The personal dosimeter MyRIAM determines the inhalation dose obtained from the exposure to long-living Alpha and Beta nuclides (LLRD) in the breathing air. The aerosols will be accumulated on the surface of a membrane filter by an internal pump. The collected activity is analysed by a semiconductor detector with subsequent Alpha spectroscopy and Beta gross counting. The influence of natural occurring Radon daughters is fully compensated
An accurate determination of the obtained dose without any additional equipment is possible by a special filter analysis mode. The small filter paper (17.5 mm diameter) can be archived and used for preservation of evidence.
The lightweight (300 g) instrument can be worn on the body without impairment of the mobility. Sampling head, battery and electronics have been integrated into a rugged metal enclosure of the size of a mobile phone. No additional cables and hoses are required
Dangerous doses will be detected within 60 seconds and signalised by an acoustical and an optical alert. The display, equipped with a with bright back-light, shows the recent dose values (in μSv or mrem) as well as the over all count rates. The internal rechargeable battery allows approx. 24 hours of autonomous operation. It takes only one hour to recharge the battery.
No other maintenance is required than the battery recharging and a monthly and easy to perform filter replacement. The internal data logger enables a chronological assignment of the obtained dose contributions. The communication between PC and MyRIAM is realised by a infrared data link.
The MyRIAM software for easy data analysis and archiving as well as the IR adapter are included in delivery.